What causes abnormal hair growth in a 7 year-old girl?!


What causes abnormal hair growth in a 7 year-old girl?

My sister noticed some hair growth on her daughter's arm pits a week ago. My niece just turned 7. They're seeing a doctor later today. I assume this is abnormal, but I really want to know what causes it. Has it happened to anyone? Isn't she too young for that? Any professionals to explain this to me?! You guys have been really helpful to me once. Thanks


Welcome to early onset puberty. It is now normal in girls age 7-8 years old.

This is from hormones in the diet or food additives that convert to synthetic estrogens that are in our United States diet like canned baby formulas and vegetables and growth hormones injected into our meat supplies. Some question the recombinant bovine growth hormone, or rBGH in milk which was approved by the FDA in 1994 -- and banned in Europe and Canada.

Some say early onset puberty is just our better nutrition today, others question the food additives. More studies are needed, but puberty *is* starting at a younger age today.

Please tell the young girl she is "normal" and start using organic foods (especially organic milk and cheese) until the FDA does more studies on food additives.

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