What downtown exams do they do @ a physical on a girl?!


What downtown exams do they do @ a physical on a girl?

does the nurse calm u down or just stand there and does a pelvic exam gnyo exam and a pap smear hurt what do they do on a breast exam
HELP!!!! im really scared=(


A good doctor will explain what it is that they are doing and why as a way to calm you down and take away the fear.

Yes the physical can hurt and will hurt if you are not sexually active (a virgin). They stick the speculum up into your vagina and open it up. The pressure put upon this area may cause pain if nothing has ever been in this hole before. It all depends on the size of your vaginal opening. If you are not a virgin than you should have no problems at all.

They stick two fingers inside and press on you stomach with the other hand. This is to check on your ovaries. And again if you are a virgin there is a chance that the insertion of the two fingers will hurt.

Yes a breast exam is done your first time to the gyno if you have a good one. No this does not hurt. All they do is rub around to feel for lumps and the rubbing doesn't hurt.

As far as the nurse, it is not law to have a nurse in the room, or at least it isn't in Philadelphia, PA. They are more than likely there for moral support.

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