How do I naturally treat recurring vaginal odor?!


How do I naturally treat recurring vaginal odor?

Ok no jokes. I'm a woman in my mid twenties, I don't have a yeast infection (I know for sure) or a bacterial infecition. I have a naturally pungent personal odor that I'd like to minimize. I know that everyone has their own special smell, but is there any way I can alter mine without medications or vaginal sprays or anything else with side effects? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE.

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2 weeks ago
ok I'm allergic to powders and sprays. they cause yeast infections anyways.

2 weeks ago
Also, don't tell me to douche because it is not healthy. It also can cause yeast infections because it washes out good bacteria and changes your natural ph. any other suggestions?


Well, here's a thought...I have
not worn underpants since 1975. If you are wearing tight
that's not natural fiber/your
vaginal area does not get
fresh air.
If you want a healthy way to
neutralize all body odors--
go to the health food store
and buy some liquid
chlorophyll(yes, it's the same
thing that all green plants
make.) It will restore the
natural ph of your body.
It tastes great with spinach
juice and a little soy sauce.
The chlorophyll has no taste.
Don't shave your pubic
hair! It's there for a reason.
You will itch like crazy when
it starts growing out.

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