What is visiting a gynecologist like?!


What is visiting a gynecologist like?

i am wondering what visiting a gynecologist is like. my friend recently went for her first time and she is only about half a year older than me. i'm freaked out just thinking about it. from what i understand, you go in a room and have to change into nothing but a little paper dress sort of thing. then you wait for the docter and they check your breathing and such, then they take off the top part of the paper thing and check your boobs for cancer. then you have to stand on little stirrup like things and basically spread your legs and the docter pokes around inside of you. first of all, this creeps me out. i do not like the feeling of somebody seeing me.. like that. i had to get a shot on my butt once and i almost started crying. [not from the shot; from the docter seeing my naked butt.. i take shots well otherwise.] i want to know how i can get through this easily and calmly. i need tips. maybe dos and don'ts. and if anybody knows what determines when you have to go. thank you. :[<3

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2 weeks ago
if anybody knows what kind of medical questions they ask. is it anything too embarrassing, or just simple things?


well... if you are a virgin then you'd not have to worry about the doc examining your womb and cervix from your virgina... if there are real concerns and you are a virgin then there is a higher possiblilty that a gentle anal exam will help to determine the problem, since they need to measure the size of your tubes and feel for anything that is not normal.

But if you have been sexually active it is crucial that each year you have pap smears done. These are not as uncomfortable as most make it out to be. Learning how to relax and breathe during the proceedure is a real help. Its over in two mins or less and once you're done thats it for another year.

A lot of women avoid getting full physicals because they feel that their privacy is being invaded but the thing is.. its best to be examined once a year than to have something like cancer lurking in your body and you then have to have your body examined and prodded and poked constantly... my friend recently told me of his 34 yr old neice getting colon cancer and has to remove half of her colon because of it.
So girlie.. as a woman you would HAVE to have your body checked thorughout your life.. adopting a healthy attitude about it is really important.. this is your body adn ONLY you have the power to make sure that its working well and will grant you many years. Some people check their cars more than they do their bodies. Don't fall into that trap. Put on your big girl's panties and deal with it as best as you can ok hun!
We are women.. we can make babies and deal with all kinds of crap and come out strong!

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