Painful Pimple!! :'(?!

Question: Painful Pimple!! :'(?
Ok, so there's this zit on the side of my cheek (kind of on my cheek, but jawline, if that makes sense). Anyway, I think its a zit. Its SERIOUSLY painful to touch. Its been there for about a week. It hasn't got a head, its just a BRIGHT red lump, and its not a mozzie bite because a: mozzie's don't bite me, b: its the wrong season for them and c: if they do bite me I get a red spot about the size of a freckle that lasts for a day. I woke up with it, and yes. I'm guilty.
I tried squeezing it, but a TINY little bit of yellow goop came out, like barely anything. Its quite hard, and I think that's just built up pressure from whatever's under the skin.
So yeah. What is it, and how do I fix it?


Use a hot rag on it for about 20-30 minutes each day until it comes to a head and then you will be able to pop it. The heat will pull the head to the surface.

Personal Experience

I really don't think this is a zit, do you have any of these red lumps on the rest of your body? if so go see your doctor, it wont be anything serious, perhaps an allergic reaction to something. If not, then i wouldn't worry too much about it, try not to squeeze it as it usually makes them worse. If it stays there for another week and it is still painful I suggest you go and see your doctor, I hope it gets better :) x

Me :) I'm training to be a doctor

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