I'm always always tired!! why?!

Question: I'm always always tired!! why!?
No matter how long I sleep or how little I sleep, I'm always ALWAYS tired! I am on a medication for my ocd/depression called Luvox!. I've been on it before in the past!. When I first started taking it back then, it didn't make me tired at first, but two months after I was on it, I was so tired all the time, and always slept!. I've only been on it now for about a month!. I was tired before I started taking the medication!. I mean, the medication has made me just a little bit more tired!. But why am I always sleepy!?! I can't take being tired all the time! Even if I'm active, I still continue to be really tired, it doesn't really wake me up!. when my boyfriend and I plan on staying up late just spending time with each other,I just get too tired and fall asleep, so then we don't get to stay up late with each other like we had wanted!. I'm 19 btw, if that matters at all!. Maybe I have sleep apnea!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try iron, B vitamin and Royal Gelly supplements!. These help naturally boost energy levels!. Women most commonly suffer from iron deficiency!. Give it a try and see!. You may want to try switching meds!. When I was suffering from depression I found it very difficult to be on meds because they made me so emotional at first, I became numb to emotion in general and this seemed to lower my energy levels and actually long term, made me more depressed!.

I would enquire with your doctor!. The meds could be tampering with your melatonin production (natural occuring drug in your body that makes you sleepy)!. You may want to try taking your meds at a different time of day!. I used to take mine at night so it would be okay that I was tired and then it would be worn off by mid day the next day!.

Or maybe try caffinated tea/coffee and then train your body to sleep between specific hours by taking melatonin supplements!. (you can get in drug stores)

Anyways, hope this helps! Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you ever been tested for thyroid conditions!? They cause major persistent fatigue and can also cause or worsen depression!. Talk to a doctor about how you feel, and make sure you let him or her know you're on Luvox!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have hypothyroidism!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you snore, if you get indigestion, if you get headaches!. if you feel hung over in the morning!. that is what my sleep apnea felt like to me!. I would talk to the doctor that gives you the medicine!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


could you be anemic!? i was and was tired all the time aswell or else your mediation is making you drowsy!? maybe you should ask for a blood test to see how much iron you have just in caseWww@Answer-Health@Com

you could have that but then again you should maybe see a doctor who studies sleep issues!. you could try going on vacation maybe it may helpWww@Answer-Health@Com

Talk to your psychiatrist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Are you anemic, perhaps!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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