Stop having sex or threesomes because of pregnancy?!

Question: Stop having sex or threesomes because of pregnancy!?
I am 16 and pregnant (2 months) I was wondering if this meant I have to stop having one night stands and sex with my boyfriend or threesomes etc!.!.!. I need to knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

Being pregnant does not mean you cannot have sex!. However the lifestyle that you are having is very risky at your age and it can lead to life long problems for you!. Best thing to do is to talk to your family doctor and see what you need to do to ensure you have a healthy baby!. After your baby has been born and you heal from delivering it then you can look at what you need to do next in regard to your personal life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I seriously hope you're kidding, but just in case!.!.!.yes, it means that you should stop ANY risky behavior because it is not only you that you're putting at risk from any STDs or infections but also your unborn baby!. For someone who is in a stable, monogomous relationship sex is perfectly fine throughout the pregnancy as long as the doctor doesn't have any concerns, but with your situation the best thing to do is to hold off at least until the baby is born!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

are you a freak already!. i got to be honest,you are way to young to be having sex especially threesomes!. get some therapy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Uh, yeah!.!.Iwould stop having one-night stands just for infection reasons and threesomes are gross if you are pregnant! That is just not right!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow slow down! haha!. but that doesn't mean you have to stop having sex!.!.!. even though i believe you should!. having sex while pregnant doesn't do anything!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well you won't get pregnant again obviously!.!.!.but you should still use a condom against STDs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

STD's are bad for babies!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow you must be really bored tonight how many questions have you asked Www@Answer-Health@Com

my GOD!.
pls stop

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