I'm worried for her. Should she do it? what should i say? HELP! :l?!

Question: I'm worried for her!. Should she do it!? what should i say!? HELP! :l!?
okay so i have a friend AJ and she wants to try a drug!. Such as weed or coke!. I told her coke is a very dangerous drug right under heroin!. She believed me so she decided she won't do that!. But she wants to still try weed!. Her bf does it too so she can get it easy but she won't ask him for some weird reason!. I don't want her to ruin her life!. What should she do!? What should i tell her!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Um honestly, weed is not that big of a deal!. The only reason it is not legal is because the government would not be able to tax it if they did make it legal!. People would just grow their own plants and that would be the end of it!.

Take a look at cigarettes and alchohol!. Both more crippling and more destructive, and both are addicting substances! People die of alcohol poisoning, lung cancer, drunk driving, emphesema, throat cancer, yet these two items remain legal because the government is making LOADS of cash off of 1!. the sale of these products, 2!. the doctor bills for recovering alcoholics, 3!. the sale of medications to stop cigarette addiction (think nicorette and now this new laser treatment!? What the hell!?)

Weed has been under complete scrutiny basically for that reason!. There's a really good book, it's called "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and in it the author goes through files, government files, newspaper clippings, and all this information, (he provides it with pictures etc) and it explains the governments conspiracy of marijuana!. (I have provided the link to Jack Herer's site with the actual chapters FROM the book!. Without pictures though!.)

Marijuana actually has many benefits that people don't tell you about because the governement uses scare tactics to keep people "in line" if you will!. Many lies have been made up in regards to weed, for example: Weed is worse than cigarettes!. No!. In reality, people who smoke weed as well as smoke cigarettes have been shown to be less likely to develop lung cancer, than cigarette smokers alone!. Why is this!? Because the ingredients on weed actually CLEAR the gunk off the lungs!.

I could go on all day!. I have both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from two very prominent colleges!. I also smoked weed just about everyday for the past 8 years!.

Yes, there are some people that take it to the extreme and becomes useless bums!. These people are wastes of life to begin with!. In no way does weed make you like this!. And in no way is weed a "gateway" drug!. Just because you smoke weed does not mean a year down the line you're going to start sticking yourself with heroin needles!.

I smoke weed and I have NEVER, and will NEVER dabble in other forms of drugs!. I don't even consider weed a drug because it is not addictive!. You cannot OD on weed!. You cannot die from weed!.

Those who say marijuana is addictive is 110% wrong!. There are no ingredients in the hemp plant which cause habit forming behaviors!. At most it becomes a "mental addiction" and those people usually turn out to be waste of life potheads who do nothing but watch old reruns of Ren and Stimpy and chow down on Cheetos!.

As I said!. Huge conspiracy!. I have never had the urge to try anything else!. Those that do go from weed to other drugs do so on their own free will, not because the weed in the brain made them!.

On the other hand, COKE IS A NO NO NO NO NO!. My ex boyfriends best friend was a huge coke addict, went to the doctor b/c he OD'd!. The doctor found golfball sized holes in his brain!. He told him if he sniffs anymore coke he will be dead!.

I think you should just ask your friend, tell her look weed isn't so bad but please don't mess up your life on hard drugs, because she WILL get addicted and she'll destroy her life on those other drugs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am totally against illegal drugs, because a person can lose their home, car and everything they own including their freedom by their use!.

That said, I know many, many people that have tried weed and gone on to be non-drug using, normal people, some of which have held some of the hightest offices in our land!.

Continue to encourage her not to do weed, but remember "You can't change other people, you can only change yourself!." You can't save her from herself, you can only leave the relationship or accept her as she is!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

leave her alone
Marijuana will not ruin your life!. But your right about the coke, don't let her alone about cocaine,crack, heroine, meth, or pills, like pain pills that ppl can get addicted to!. Oh and ecstasy is bad too!. And alcohol
Basically, probably anything other than weed is NOT ok but weed is OK!.
That might not make sense, but I speak from my own life experience and that of those who are close to me who have various addictions to different "bad" drugs I listed and alcohol!. Marijuana never ruined anyones life that I know, it was the other stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

trying weed once wont kill her!. coke on the other hand can f*ck up your nose!. if she wants to try SOMETHING, i do recommend weed over anything else!. nothing you say will probably change her mind!. let her make this mistake!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Weed ont kill you in one use but u get hoked pretty easy tell her to stop being so stupid and think about her family and friends tell her to ditch the loser hus already on the **** :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should tell her parents that their daughter is on her way to becoming a loser!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tell her to talk to frank


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