Question: CAN SOMEONE ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!?
Right these are my symptoms :(
Itchyness and soreness!. Mostless itchy until i touch it!.
Hurts really bad while having sex!. And also after having sex there are tears :(
If i don't touch it or have sex it seems completly fine!.
It looks really red, and there are not open sores or blisters or anything!.
There are little bumps which i think have always been down there but just look red and inflamed with the rest of it!.
It occured after very frequent and violent sex!.
My partners penis is also a bit red like it may be sore, but only around the foreskin area!.
We though it was herpes, but im not sure :( Help!! COULD IT BE THRUSH!?!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like an infection!. Thrush is a definite possibility, but if herpes is a possibility then you need to go to the doctor!. They can determine what the exact cause is, and the best treatment!. Make sure you both get treatment at the same time, and abstain from sex until it is cleared up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Did you use condoms!? It could be a latex allergy, although doubtful if you boyfriend has a irritated penis!.

How about warming, flavored, tingling lubes etc!. They can sometimes cause irritation!.

Not using lube and not being wet enough can also cause irritation and tears!.

If you didn't use anything different it could possibly a yeast infection, or an STD!.

Either way you need to see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get checked to be safe!!!

Most probably you weren't lubed up enough before sex!. Try having a warm bath with some salt in it to help healing!.!.

Try not to touch as that will make it more sore, and like i said get checked for STD by a GP, Just incase!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

How old are you!? I think perhaps you should take yourself and your boyfriend into the Doctor!. You might have a yeast infection, but you could have some kind of STD which needs treatment!. Anytime something hurts as badly as you say it does, you need to get checked out!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you think it's herpes, see a doctor and stop having sex immediatly!.

Either way, go to your doctor!. It could be a yeast infection, yes, which would be a lot better than having herpes!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

sounds like it could be an STD!.!.!.go to google and type in Sexually transmitted diseases and it will pop up with differnt ones and discribe each kind!.!.!.I would also make an appointment with an OB person!.!.!.!.good luck, use condoms!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you should see a doctor asap! you may a vaginal infectionWww@Answer-Health@Com

You could see a doctor for better answers than what you might get here!.

I don't really know anything about the subject!. Sorry!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That sounds serious
Dont worry about being embarrased
GO TO THE DOCTORSWww@Answer-Health@Com

Have you been to see the doctor!?!?

see your GP as soon as possible!. This could be Thrush, really painful, soreness and redness!. When Thrush occurs[ Ive had thrush], it gets itchy, but the condition gets worse when you touch it!. DO NOT touch it, and I recommend that you DO NOT have sex until the condition has cleared up!. Try using some Canesten!. Could be herpes!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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