I got my period now what?!

Question: I got my period now what!?
okay well hey i finally got my first period last night!!!!!!!!! as soon as i went to go pee and saw red i started screaming and yelling, i ran downstairs to go tell my mom and she was like!. this is exazctly what she said "calm down ill get you some pads in a bit, congratulations woo" then she went back to her hgtv!. i thought everyone would be excited for me, cause ive been waiting for this moment forever and now im 15!. but now the excitement is gone, and i dont feel anything anymore! im depressed!? and also was the average amount of days you should get it in a month!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

No one's really going to be excited for you!. They don't know how excited you are! So, be excited your self! If you want, tell your BFF! she'll prolly be excited for you!

The amount of days vary's for every woman!. it can be from 3-14 days!. and, just so you know!. it will be very irregular for about 2 years! ( your bodys just not used to having it yet!. )



haha welcome to womanhood, you wont be so excited about it after a while

everyone is different, espescially when you first start, girls are VERY irregular in the beginning , you get get it once every five months or once a year

but the average regular period is like 5-7 days of bleeding and you get it every 28 days

dont expect to be regular right away though, it's going to be a guessing game with your body Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had mine since i was thirteen!. you menstruate between three and ten days (continual!.!.!.yay!.!.!.) each month, for me, it can be three days of heavy HEAVY period, or seven days of a really moderate flow!. It won't always be cool!.!.!.I hate mine, and I've only had it three years now! It's not that great now, but the first time is exciting! Trust me, this will be the only time you like it! Have fun! You finally got visited by Auntie Flow!Www@Answer-Health@Com

WOOT WOOT FOR YOu!!!! i didnt get mine until late 14ish!. and i thought i was dying!. hahah!.

my period usually varies from 4-6 days!.

Good luck!. it really isnt that great once you have it though!. you will realize what a hassel it is soon enough!Www@Answer-Health@Com

the average is 3 - 7 days!.

but some people have it for up to two weeks!.

you wont know for a while, it'll be irregular,annoying, painful and you'll wish it never came!.

congratulations : )

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