Can Loestrin cause acid reflux?!

Question: Can Loestrin cause acid reflux!?
I just started Loestrin 24/FE and from the first day felt this tightness in my chest and lack of appetite!. Talking to some friends they have said it sounds like it could be acid reflux!. I don't have burning, but it doesn't get worse with exercise like "normal" shortness of breath would!.

I'm thin, and 42!. !. !. and have had regular check-ups!. I don't have cholesterol or BP problems!.

So, I think it really is reflux!. The question is I just started Loestrin and it started right after!. But, I'm not sure if the pill caused it, or if it's just stress and it's just a coincidence that I just started the pill!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should definitely go back to your doctor!. While you may be healthy and have no health problems, the pill DOES carry a rather protracted list of side effects and any new symptoms should be brought to your doctor's attention immediately!. It might be nothing or it could be the harbinger of something really bad!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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