In detail sex/female body question?!

Question: In detail sex/female body question!?
So my boyfriend and I have a very active sex life (as I have with almost all of my boyfriends in the past)!. This week, I noticed that my perineum is extremely sore and irritated!. My boyfriend and I began having anal sex more often last week so I'm wondering if the combination of anal and vaginal intercourse could be what irritated my perineum!. I'm also wondering what I can use to help it heal faster!. I'm sure wearing looser clothing would help; however, I have my period right now and use pads so the pad is rubbing against it irritating it as well!. Any suggestions on how to help this heal quicker or the source of why it is like this!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

DQ, to help with the irritation, get some Polymoxin which is a first-aid antibiotic available at drug stores, and also some cortisone cream which will help with the itching!. Put the cortisone on first, then the antibiotic!.

It could be just the positions that you are using that is causing this irritation, or the lube is not effective enough!. If you are using KY rectally, try using petroleum jelly, which is more substantial!.


What the hell is a perineum!?!?!? Listen, about the vaginal and anal, you are not going from the anus to the vagina in the same session are you!?!? If so, that is very, very dangerous!. All kinds of bacteria in the back door!. If you have the anal, DO NOT reinsert into the vagina until you wash that puppy!!!

Listen Hon, If you don't slow down with your boyfriends, you are gonna earn yourself a reputation!. Thats not something you want, now is it!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Perhaps!.!. never switch from anal to vaginal intercourse!. Theres all kinds of bacteria in there you wouldnt want to get in your " lady" part!. That is probably why its irritated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

buy a ********* put it in freezer and stick it in your exit(yes thats right the butt is an EXIT) the cold plug will cool off your hot azzWww@Answer-Health@Com

try wearing a tampon!.
also, lay off the sex for a while, it will heal with some time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I might need to see pictures of the affected area, for a better diagnosis!Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe take it easy and not have sex constantly!. your body is telling you it needs a break and you are doing too much!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow Uuummm hope you know annal sex causes colon cancer so I would stop doin that if i was you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

How about not having constant anal sex!? That might clear it up a bit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


slow down on sex, it will really help, i have the same problemWww@Answer-Health@Com

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