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Question: I have asked this before, but would like more answers, please click here!! x!?
My period is irregular so i dont know when to expect it!. The pain is very bad, lso i dont really know how to handle it!. It could come 2 days before it was due, or 8 days after!. But i cant just take off time from school incase it happens!. But on the other hand i cant be stuck at school if it does come because the pain is too extreme, i need to be at home so i can puke and scream lol!. How does anyone else handle this!?!?

The only thing I can tell you to do is this: Just go to school like normal and if you feel the slightest pain/cramp coming on ask the teacher if you can go to the nurse because your not feeling well!. Call your mom at the nurse and get picked up!. Good luck and bring in some pain meds to the nurse's office too, that way you can start taking them as soon as the pain starts!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!. you should go to the dr and get tested for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndome) its really nothing to be scared about, it can't be cured but it can be treated and it isn't a STD (you can look it up on web md)
2!. If you are at school when your periods comes and you have that much pain to where you are throwing up go to your school nurse so they can send you home!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i take ibuprofen the first day it comes!.!.!. i used to have crazy cramps and i'd spend the day in the nurse's office!.!.!. at home i'd puke and scream too!.!.!. if you're taking pills and they don't work then you prob need stronger pills from a doctor!.!.!. i know it's a lot to go to a doctor but it might be worth it!.!.!.
Also my roommate has a heating pad that she lays on in bed!.!.!. she lays with her stomach on it and she says it helps a lot!. I haven't tried it yet but I've learned that I get horribly pains when i'm coldWww@Answer-Health@Com

I would seek medical advice if you period causes your so much pain that you puke, that is not right!. Discomfort is normal, and so are aches and cramps, what you describe is extreme!. I would get yourself checked out!. Periods are a pain, but not in the sense that you are describing! Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hon, you should definitely tell your doctor about this situation because menstrual pain should not be that severe!. You deserve to find some relief from that!. Talk to your mom about this because there are treatments available that will make your period much more bearable, at least enough to get on with normal life!. I hope you find relief soon!.!.!.Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have really irregular periods too, but no pains or anything!.
Maybe you should go to the doctors, they can prescribe you pills for the pain and that!. They gave me some once, but i cant even take pills!.!. so they weren't much good to me lol!.
hope this helps

anyone whose tried the contraceptive implant - answer mine please (: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, if it is extremely bad, they could put you on birth control pills to even it out, and it will feel much better!.
OR!.!.!.!.you might have a long term problem like endometriosis (google it) and if so, you will need to follow up with the doctor about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

at home, take hot baths or use a heating pad or hot water bottle
at school, take pms relief pills and at first sign of pain take one, they usually work
if you are at school and the pain is to extreme definetly say you're sick and go home!.
hope i helped =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

Woah, my period isn't that bad!. I never puke or anything, just get bad cramps!. I would talk to a doctor about it!. Maybe they can put you on birth control that will make your period more manageable!. Good luck :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh dear!. your period is irregular, no big deal!. carry around aspirin and a tampon! and if its that bad tell a teacher you don't feel well and it's that time of the month,guaranteee you will go home!


If your period is wrecking havoc on your life, you should see a dr; they should be your first stop because they can maybe gives you pills or The Pill to help with the irregularity and pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when u think that u are bout to have it!. wear a pantyliner!. so if it does u can juss change the pantyliner to a pad or tampon!. tadaWww@Answer-Health@Com

wear a pad just in case it hits you unexpectedly and take midol this may helpp!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

drink alot of water and take baths in epsen saltWww@Answer-Health@Com

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