Tampons hurt help me please ?!

Question: Tampons hurt help me please !?
normally they dont hurt, but i used quite a few lately and now i feel quite sore and my vagina stings, is that normal!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

No it's not normal!. Tampons shouldn't hurt!. You've got some irritation in there!. Probably from the tampon, actually!. Leave them out and use napkins/pads for a while--two or three cycles--until the irritation clears up!. If it doesn't clear up within a week or two, go see a physician--you could have vaginitis or even have scraped your canal lining a bit!. the doc will give you some cream that will help!.

Next time, try a smaller tampon--or lubricate the end of it with KYjelly or other personal lubricant!. (don't use something like hand lotion!)

maybe there's not enough lubrication, or they're too big!.
if you've had sex recently, then there could be some sort of infection!.
for now use pads, and if this happens next month, then you should go to your gynecologist!.
tampons shouldn't hurt you if you've used them before without pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you use them when the blood flow is quite light they can be uncomfortable to use save them for your heavier flow or use mini onesWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe you just need a smaller flow one or if your using scented tampons you probably might be irritated by them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Tampons are just wrong anyway, use towels instead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe some lubricant might help you!. It could just be that you are a bit dry and that is why you have an irritation!. Perhaps KY jelly will help!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

use pads for now!. if your flow is light, it might make them hurt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

try gettin a smaller size!. or just use pads instead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

call a doc if it continues hurtingWww@Answer-Health@Com

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