Do you think this is normal? Please, a little help.?!

Question: Do you think this is normal!? Please, a little help!.!?
I had been diagnosed a few years ago with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which causes irregular bleeding!. They put me on birth control pills to regulate me!. After a short while I went off of them and had been fine for a couple of years!. Then, I started having the same problem again, only worse!. They did a pap a month ago and all was normal!. Now they have put me back on birth control pills, and I thought I was getting better!. After 2 months of being on them, I am having trouble again!. I have now been bleeding for 18 days!. The first 7 seemed just like my period like it should be!. The rest has been odd spotting!.!.!.I don't know how to explain it except to say it is more splotchy looking than my normal spotting before!. I am experiencing cramping and bloating and this is day 18!. I'm 37, and the doctor did mention that it is possible I am having the early signs of menopause!. She also said that since I have lost so much weight!.!.!.gone from 323 to 236 lbs, that sometimes our bodies have to flush that out somehow!. I did a search on here and found that many people think that birth control pills are causing their irregular bleeding, so maybe this is just normal!. Do you think I should call my doctor and what do you think about what she said about the extra fat needs to go somewhere and I could just be flushing it out of my system!? Thanks!.!.!.I'm really bothered about this!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

My mother is 45 and began menopause at 41 and in the beginning she had spotting for days after her periods, or even at random times during the month along with cramps and bloating even though it wasn't a "real" period!. Lots of my friends on a higher dose of birth control experience spotting and wear pantyliners all month long because of it!. I'm not sure about the extra fat being flushed out of your system through your vagina, because I'm not sure the uterus contains much, if any, fat cells, but I am not a doctor either, lol!. Most likely losing such a dramatic amount of weight put some stress on your body and sent you into early menopause; your symptoms sound just like my mother's - and as long as your PAP smears are normal, I don't think you have much to worry about so try to relax :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

my sister has polycystic ovarian syndrome as well, and she wen to an endocrinologist for it!. She had weight problems like you and as soon as she was diagnosed she was put on a drug called metformin!. i think you need to talk to you doctor and see a specialist!. birth control wont do anything because your hormone levels aren't right!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

doesn't sound normal!. Try about!.com for some research -- don't always trust the doctors especially if you have an HMO!.
If you can get to the LA area, try Dr!. Friedman (goodhormonehealth!.com)!. He helped diagnose me - and many other people - with hormone problems that many many doctors did not help with!.

At least get a second opinion on your condition if you have not already!.

ask her about a possible thyroid gland problem!.
i had a friend who had a thyroid problem and had a period for one year straight!.
just a suggestion!.
and thats a big weight loss!
good for you! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, to start off BC pills aren't "fixing" you they are just masking the symptoms!.
I do not think that your weight loss although significant is causing these problems!. I have PCOS and I do not have a problem with bleeding between periods but a problem with not getting them regularly!.
Have you been to a specialist!? (ENDO)
You should be on Metformin!? The root to PCOS is Insulin Resistance that domino effects into other things!. Check out www!.PCOSupport!.com


At 37 y/o and having this illness I do not understand why your doctor has you on b!.c!. I would not take it but that is my opinion!. You also know that women who are heavy or more then 50# over weight have a greater chance of further complications!.
Has your doctor ever done a bi-lateral u/s through the vagina!?
I would have a complete check up including your blood work done by the G!.P!. as well as the OB/GYN, you just might be in the beginning stages of menopause!. I would also see an endocrinologist, it could be a thyroid problem!.
There are many natural ways to"flush out" the toxins in your body!. See if there are doctors in your area which will use conventional medicine as well as homeopathic!.
Good luck to you!. I have been there and done it already!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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