For girls only. Please share exactly how do you suffer from menstrual pains?!

Question: For girls only!. Please share exactly how do you suffer from menstrual pains!?
My girl friend and all of my Asian female friends were so subtle or conservative!. Even when they were obviously suffering from menstrual pain, she would never admit that!.

I am old and mature enough to see menstruation and menstrual pain as natural and nothing sexual!. However, I wish to learn from you girls exactly how you feel when you are suffering from menstrual pain, so that I can I could be more considerably to my girl friend or my future wife!.

Since we don
a!. Right in the area below my belly button, it feels like all the muscles are being compacted really slowly!. It will occasionally release, then begin to tighten again!. This often gives me bad headaches and stomachaches!. I don't know if this is just me because I generally have a certain amount of pain in my back and neck, but during my period, the pains get really bad!.!.!. like I really have to crack my lower back and neck but am unable to!. It's the worst!.
b!. I get it the worst right when I start and it usually lasts the whole day!. Luckily, I almost always start in the morning and by the time I go to bed at night, the pains have pretty much subsided!. When I wake up on the second day, I have no irregular pain and the rest of the period is not painful at all!.
c!. I don't really know about the swelling thing!. My boobs get kind of sore and I guess they swell a bit!. But other than that, I can't say that I have that problem!. There is the bloating in your lower abdominal region and you can't really suck it in very well, I guess that's what she's talking about!.
d!. Like I said, my boobs get sore for about a week before but not much during!. I feel really sad before my period!. I'm not pissy like the stereotypical PMS girl, but I do feel really depressed!. Like someone will say something to me or something will happen that wouldn't normally make me sad, but I just have to go to my room and sob for a couple minutes!. Lol kinda lame, I know!. The only symptom I get during the period is the pain, which is only the first day!. As for afterward, nothing happens!. Everything is just normal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I don't get cramps every time I have my period!. But when I do, it seems like the worst are in the middle of the night, while I'm sleeping, and it wakes me up!. It's such a horrible pain!. It feels like somebody is stabbing you below your belly button!. I feel like I'm going to throw up, but I don't!. Most of the time I start crying when I get the terrible ones at night!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!. it hurts like hell!.!.!.like somebody is dropping an anvil on your tummy (cramps)
2!.every 28 days!.!.it last from like 3 days to 8 days (it depends)
3!.its called bloating!.!.it's like excess water
4!.PMS (you get pissed off real easy) you get very emotional
It makes you soooo tired and normally i sleep a lot when I'm on mine!.!.!.and you act like a total B**** to your familyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Its a constant pain sometimes doll sometimes unbearable!. It takes alot to get rid of it!. The pain yesterday made me faint!. Its nothing but painfull trouble to be honest and blunt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1!.Hurts really bad, feels like spinal cords are tighting, and tighting
2!.I usually start like the second week of each month!. My period usually lasts for 5 days so I have cramps for 5 days
3!.I never encountered it so i wouldn't know
4!.It usually affects my life because during my 1st day of cramping, I can't eat, & I get very cranky & I won't talk to ANYONE and i get ANNOYED just when i hear someone talking!. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night & it HURTS LIKE CRAZY, and sometimes I cry LOl - I'm only 15 so!.!.!.

A!. Menstrual pain can vary each month, sometimes more severe than others!. But it basically feels like someone is pulling apart your uterus!.
B!. I usually start getting cramps 2-3 days before i start my period
C!. Swelling of the body is being bloated, meaning our bodies are containing more water than usual, this is because of rapid change in our hormones at this time!.
D!. I get backaches, fatigue, nausea, burning nipples, extra sleepy, cramps, but these symptoms are usually at their worst the day before i start my period and the first day of, after that the symptoms usually disappear!.

Overall its a joyous experience!. HAHA NOT!


a!. Main question - How do you describe menstrual pain in your own words (try your best please)!?

Annoying more than anything else!.

b!. Usually when do you start your menstrual pain!? How long does it last!?

Mine usually starts the day before my period, and can last anywhere up until the 3rd day, or straight till the end!. However, every woman varies!.

c!. My best female friends told me that during her period, she will experience swelling of her body, could you explain more about that!?

Ever feel bloated after you finish eating a huge meal!? That's what it feels like!.

d!. What other symptoms do you often experience before, during and after your period, and how do those symptoms affect your daily life!.

I usually get cramps (it's a muscle cramp, which men can get too, however ours occur in a region that men to not have) the day before my period, until about the third day in, and I experience the swelling or bloating until the day after!. How do they affect my daily life!? I won't try things on at the mall, that's for sure!. Nobody wants to see what they look like in the mirror when they're bloated!. Otherwise, pop some pills, drink some tea, and carry on with my life!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

a!. Main question - How do you describe menstrual pain in your own words (try your best please)!?
Ever had a charlie horse in your calf!? or just a really bad cramp!? yeah, that's what mine feels like!.!.!. enough to not be able to stand!.!.!. totally sucks

b!. Usually when do you start your menstrual pain!? How long does it last!?
about a week before my period!.!.!. it's on and off during the period

c!. My best female friends told me that during her period, she will experience swelling of her body, could you explain more about that!?
Your body wants to retain water to make up for the blood being lost, it stores it and makes you feel really bloated and fat!.!.!. this is the time that you don't want to go shopping with your girlfriend lol

d!. What other symptoms do you often experience before, during and after your period, and how do those symptoms affect your daily life!.
Breasts ache, of course cramps!.!.!. once you get used to knowing that it's going to happen every month, you and your body get used to it and it doesn't even phase you anymore!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I haven't read other answers, so here's my response!.

a!. I get cramps!. It's right around my uterus - down below my stomach, close to my pelvic bone!. It's!.!.!. crampy!. Sometimes it throbs, but usually it just feels like the muscles are way too tight!. (It's even worse if I'm crampy and constipated at the same time!) Exercise helps alleviate the pain, as does a regular intake of ibuprofen!. ;)

b!. I get my cramps they day I start my period or the day after!. it lasts a day or two!.

c!. I don't get bloating!. Different women get different symptoms!. Some get emotional; some don't!. Some bloat; some don't!. Some get cramps; some don't!.

d!. No other symptoms for me!. My cramps don't really affect my daily life except that I have to take my Advil/ibuprofen!. If I don't, the pain makes me grumpy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

a!. Main question - How do you describe menstrual pain in your own words (try your best please)!?
annoying as fu*k!. it feels like something's putting pressure on your stomach while its being stabbed from the inside!. *hard to explain* sometimes it's mild!.!.sometimes it makes you collapse to your knees in agony!.

b!. Usually when do you start your menstrual pain!? How long does it last!?
hmm!.!.!.about 3 days prior to my period, and then it stays about 4 days into my period!. it kind of fades as my period proceeds!.

c!. My best female friends told me that during her period, she will experience swelling of her body, could you explain more about that!?
you become pretty damn bloated!. your stomach swells a little!. that's all!. it's not very noticeable, but you notice!.

d!. What other symptoms do you often experience before, during and after your period, and how do those symptoms affect your daily life!.
well, usually i get really moody and depressed!. i have no energy whatsoever and i just want to limply slouch in my bed all day and eat chocolates!. you snap at everyone, and you barely have the energy to move in the worst cases!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Some times it can be a sharp stabbing pain in your abdomen which is cramps!. It throbs and can often feel like you are getting stabbed in the stomach!. Menstrual pain starts a few days before your period and lasts through your period!. Swelling of the body is women retain more water weight when they are on their period so they are bloated!. Some women can gain up to 3 or more pounds in water weight!. If you drink lots of water and lay off the sodium the week before your period it helps with the bloating!. Some girls get bad headaches when they are on their period, Nausea, Irritability, Back aches!.!.!. The list goes on!. Its best to just be polite accommodatingting when your girl is miserable!. And if she says something mean just let it slide, sometimes its just the period talking!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

A: The pain can be similar to a a sharp cramp that you get in your calves but this pain is persistent!. It is continuous until the uterus calms itself!. That is why some women take prescribed medication!. The pain can be so harsh at times it hurts to stand straight up!.

B: This usually starts right before I get mine as in hours or as soon as I get mine!. I was told that the pain is caused by a passing blood clot(sorry you said to really describe it) A few hours and when I take a pain killer (hydrocodine) it kills the pain!.

C: You get bloated which means you tummy feels full and my breasts get swollen and tender to the touch!.

D: Usually right before I get mine I eat more than normal and then during I hardley eat at all due to the pain of cramps!. During, on maybe the third day I get unusually turned on and really want to have sex but of coruse I can't and it drives me nuts!. These do not affect your daily life but most women do plan around their menstrual cycle so it doesn't affect outings and vacation!. I once planned a huge party and vacation around mine!.

Its great you want to learn more to help your future significant other most men won't and don't care you are one in a million!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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