My friend came to me the other day.!

Question: My friend came to me the other day!.
She said please!!! Don't make fun of me!. The other day when we went to the pool party!. I wanted her to get into the swimming pool!. She replyed no not today!. Later that day!.!.!.she told me why!?!?!? she didnt get in!!!!! Its because her bottem has zits!. My freind can't get rid of them!. Can any one hepl her!!! thank you!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

As embarrassing as it may seem it is more common than you suppose!. She needs to go see her family doctor or a dermatologist and see if she needs some antibiotics for the problem or if it is something else that is bothering her!. It could be anything from a staph infection to common acne to an allergy to about a hundred other things!. All these things can cause acne in odd places including your elbows, knees or back and tush and back of legs!. The pool is probably being overly cautious but with people dying from MERSA lately they can't take any chances!. If the doctor says it is nothing then he can give her a note to let the pool staff know that she is safe to swim!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'd probably tell her to drink lots of water, stay away from greasy foods, wash her skin very well to get rid of oils, wear clean pants every day (your body oils could still be on them or something), or I'd suggest that she get swimming bottoms that cover her completely!. You can easily find feminine looking swimming shorts at places like Wal-Mart!.

But most of all, I'd tell her not to worry too much about it!.


sorry i found that questions very hard to read! next time dont make it so difficult with putting !?!? or !! half way through the sentance!.
anyways, everybody is different and thats just where the zits end up!. becuase down there is a sensitive area, just make sure she washes well down there everyday!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just wash with soap and water and also try an acne wash that you would use on your face!. It may sound silly but get some Stridex pads!.
I wouldn't make fun of you dear!. Pimples show up in odd places and sometimes your hormones make the problem worse!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its perfectly normal to have zits down there, all i can say is treat them like you would if they where on you face, it may sound weird but i use clearasil on my shoulders because i get pimples there, but it works!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

tell her to wear a boyshort bathingsuit, and tell her to use antibacterial soap down thereWww@Answer-Health@Com

is normal but i would suggest liquidWww@Answer-Health@Com

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