Is there a way to know when your going to get your first period?!

Question: Is there a way to know when your going to get your first period!?
hi guys, i'm 13, and im very nervous about getting my period im afraid its going to happen at school or at a competition!. my older sister got hers the summer she was going into high school!. so 14!. is there another way other than going to the doctor!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You will have vaginal discharge!. It has to be white looking!. If it's another color, you might have an infection!. You can have cramping or sometimes you'll have spotting!. When you start to get pubic hair, it's most likely you'll get it a year after!. Your breasts will hurt cause they're growing, and stuff like that!. But there is no way to tell when you'll exactly get it!. Good Luck!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's ok I'm 14 and haven't started yet and I'm kind of nervous to but there's nothing you can really do exept wait for mother nature to come on it's own!. Trust me I wish I knew when it was going to happen!. I suggest you just relax and forget about it and then one day it will show up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I experienced discharge for about a year before I had my first period!.
Some girls also have mood swings and cramping!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you will be close to getting your period if you have white dischargeWww@Answer-Health@Com

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