My left nipple?!

Question: My left nipple!?
Since early evening yesterday, it's been very tender at touch and the area around it is light red and larger than usual!. It kind of feels like there's a lump under it!.!.but i'm not sure!. It hurts so bad when i press on it or touch it!. I'm 14 and not sexually active and i've already gotten my period!. Please tell me what's wrong; will it go away soon!? My birthday is tomorrow and my party is on Saturday!. I'd hate for this to ruin it!. I really REALLY do not want to tell my mom because I'm so embarrassed!. If it's something small and nothing to worry about I don't want to tell her, but if it doesn't go away I will definitely tell her, just please, what is wrong!?!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's called 'breast bud' and it basically means that soon your boobs are going to start to grow (big time!) Until your boobs have stopped growing they hurt a little if touched!. Your nipples grow with boobs too, so don't worry-it'll get bigger!. I am 99!.999999999% sure this is not cancer because
1!. Breast cancer doesn't generally affect teenagers
2!. You are 14-your boobs will be starting (or have started) to reach their full size
Also, I would tell your Mom or a close friend because every girl has been in a similar situation and your Mom will help you cope with it!.

Happy Birthday!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i really dont want to scare u right before ur birthday, but this could be serious, like cancer or somthing , so even though u dont want to u should tell ur mom, or somone u trust and arent as emerresed to tell, so u can get it looked at or fixed, if it is cancer than it is still early in the game then they will propally remove it with no worrys then you will be free of cancer but the longer u wait it could be harder to take it out!. so i hope i helped and sorry for scaring u!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Well!. Keep in mind!. Your mom is a girl and understands things like this!. Dont be shy to tell her things about your body as awkward as it might me!. (Believe me, It was for me at first as well) She can probably give you better advice than we could!. Or even take you to the doctor!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ur boob is growing and that bump under ur nipple is called a bud!. Its normal!. Rub some lotion on it sleep with no shirt or bra on!. It worked for me!. Hope I Helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes right before your period starts your breasts get tender!.!.!. If you feel a lump or it doesn't go away in a few days tell you mom and get to a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

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