Using tampons.?!

Question: Using tampons!.!?
So i have used pads ever since I started getting my period, since I don't do sports or anything so it's not a big deal!. However I will be going to college soon and I'd like to learn how to use tampons correctly, or how most people use them!.

I don't mean how to put them in, I know that!. I mean how often to change them, what to use at night, if there's any time when it's preferable to use pads, etc!. Basically what would a routine be like!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey girly! Okay, tampons are really no big deal!. Change them every 4 - 5 hours, but never exceed 8 hours!. Exceeding 8 hours can put you at risk for Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is a rare, but deadly disease that can be caused from leaving in a tampon too long or choosing a wrong tampon absorbency!. I wouldn't recommend using a tampon at night unless you sleep less than 8 hours, or you're willing to set an alarm in the middle of the night to change your tampon!. For night time, I use Always Overnight pads!. They're extra long so that you won't leak, no matter how much you move around!. Whenever I have my period, I wear pads whenever I'm just in the lazy mood and I'm just sitting around all day!. I like to use tampons whenever I go out to a water park or exercise!. Some girls wear tampons all the time, and thats fine!. Although, my box of tampons (tampax) insists that you should alternate use from tampons to pads to reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome!. This is how I think most girls use tampons (or at least the ones I know)!. Have fun in college!

My routine is pretty simple!.
First, I wake up and take the overnight pad I've been wearing off my underwear!. I go into the bathroom and take a shower to clean things up a bit!. Then I pop in a fresh tampon and wear a pantyliner (just incase it leaks)!. I continue getting ready for school!. Then I go to classes, blah blah!. When it comes to lunch time, which is around six hours later, I take out the tampon and replace it with a new one!. Usually, I don't change the pantyliner unless it's soaked, which usually, it isn't because I always choose the right absorbency whether its a heavy day or a light day!. I go through my classes again and come home, which is five hours later (because I have after-school activities)!. I change the tampon again, leaving the pantyliner in place unless its soaked!. I do my homework until its time for bed (which is around six hours later)!. Then I take out the tampon and pantyliner and stick the overnight pad on my underwear!. And then the process starts all over again!. :) I hope I helped!

By the way, I recommend buying the tampax pearl compact multipack! It's like three boxes of tampons in one!. There's heavy for the heavy days, regular for the in between days, and light for the light days!. These tampons are half the size of regular tampons because the second tube is inside the first tube!. Plus, they're easy to insert!. I like these tampons because I can take them everywhere without having to waste much space in my bag!. I've even gotten away with hiding one in my shoe! Another good tampon that doesn't take up much space is O!.B!. This tampon doesn't have an applicator, so its 56% less waste if I remember correctly!. You sort of insert your finger partly into the tampon (like a finger puppet, in a way) and guide it into your vagina!. Good luck in college! I hope I didn't make you read too much!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

on every tampon box there is a chart of absorbancy grams!.!.!.and they tell you what to use with your flow!. Basically as my gyno told me if you use a super and you remove it and it is painful to remove or there is still white parts of the tampon visible you need to lower the absorbancy of your tampon!.!.go from super to regular!. You shuld change your tampon every time you urinate!.!.!.at least every four hours!.!.!.some women go by eight but I don't want TSS!.!.so I go every four!. You should change it before you go to bed or maybe if you sleep thru the night and into the late morning hours you should wear a pad to bed!.!.!.but if you don't wear a pad to bed and wear a tampon CHANGE IT AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP!.!.!.!.that's it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well when you sleep you CANNOT wear a tampon!.so wear a pad when your asleep!. and you change your tampon every 2-4 hours!. and when you wear a tampon use panty liners,cause it might leak through,but thats only if you leave your tampon in for too long!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

um i think it really just depends on how heavy it is!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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