Would you ever consider using the "Diva Cup"? Have you ever used it?!

Question: Would you ever consider using the "Diva Cup"!? Have you ever used it!?
For those of you who don't know what I am talking about it, it is sort of like a cup that works similar to a tampon, but is reusable!. Here is a link: http://www!.divacup!.com/

I am considering trying it, but I wanted to hear peoples opinions on whether they have tried it, what they thought, and if there are any reasons NOT to try it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've used mine for almost two years now and I love it!. I can't recommend it highly enough!. I started using it when a friend almost died from TSS, and I'll never go back!. I saw the other post about it being messy -- honestly, I have no idea how that could have happened!. I've never had any sort of mess at all!. And on top of that, you'll be shocked how little blood there actually is!. It took me about the first 2 days of my first period to really get used to it, but once I did I had no problem inserting it!.

If you're uncomfortable with the idea of putting it in and taking it out, I'd recommend using tampons without an applicator for a period before you start using the cup, just to get used to it!. And if you're nervous when you first try it, maybe use a panty liner for that first period!. But honestly, I've never had a singe leak, no mess, you can keep it in longer than you can a tampon without the risk if illness, you'll physically feel better using it than tampons, you'll never spend money on tampons again, you'll never get stuck without a tampon while you're out, you'll understand more about your period and feminine health, and really -- you won't splash blood across a bathroom, its really, really easy to use!.

And the best sales pitch I can give -- is I now think of tampons the way I used to think of pad -- unhygienic and gross!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they are very messy when you remove them, my cousin tried them, she got it out, it went EVERYWHERE!. if you do use it, go over a bath tub or a very large toilet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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