2 questions? I need help! Girls only please?!

Question: 2 questions!? I need help! Girls only please!?
I got my period last year!. I hate it so so much!. When i have it i am depressed and when my mom wants to go somewhere i say i dont wanna go and she gets mad!. I always feel really weak and sad!. I cannot take birth control pills that eliminate your period because i am too young, but when i am older i certainly will!. My mom does not know that i have my period because i do not want to tell her!. I tried tampons but they leak very much!. I always feel disgusting and dirty, even when i shower!. What should i do!?

And ALSO!.!. how do you get dried bloodstains out of pants!? My favorite jeans nees help!.

Please help me, thank you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Periods are a fact of life after puberty!. Your attitude about it can affect how inconvenient it can seem!. Normal hygiene, showering daily and even a tub bath, should keep you clean!. Just give a little more attention to that area if you like!.

Find and use the right type of products for taking care of your flow!. This may take some research to see what you like!. You can send off for trial sizes of products or buy small boxes!. There are different types of products, in different shapes and absorbency!. Just go down the drugstore aisle and read boxes!. Try junior sizes and lite tampons!. Read tampon product inserts!. They won't leak if you insert them correctly!.

Tell your mother you've started your period!. She's started hers! Why the big secret!? It is only making you feel bad!. Your mother may have tips long practiced to tell you!. In any case she should know about this development in your life not only for your relationship's sake, but also so she can advise your doctor about your health if asked!.

You can try birth control pills to alter your cycle and they will work, however recent reports indicate that eliminating periods is risky!. It is not that much of an inconvenience!. Women all over the world experience this, some without the disposable products we can take advantage of using!.

As for the blood, you can get it out!. Keep a bottle of peroxide on hand!. If you get soiling from your period you can pour some peroxide on the stain and then soak it in COLD WATER!. Add some liquid detergent, like Tide, and then wash the garment in cold water!. Repeat before drying if the stain doesn't wash out completely!.

I hope I helped!. Your period is a normal inconvenience!. Remember it means your body is working the way it was intended to work!.

Have a happy life and don't sweat the small stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Bloodstains on clothes should be washed in cold water only!. You can pretreat with detergent!. You need to tell your mother that you have your period!. You may be anemic because of the huge amount of blood loss each month!. She may have to take you to the doctor to get iron pills so that you are not tired!. Try the tampon with a pad!. Change both frequently to stop leaks!.
Do not wear the tampon to long daily!. It can be toxic and don't sleep with it on!. Read directions and warnings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to talk to your mom, she knows it's coming, and she should be prepared!. The tampons are leaking because you aren't using a high enough absorbency, and you should also use a pad as back up to avoid the stained jeans!. There are medications (try Midol or Tylenol) to help with the cramps!. Other than that !.!.!.every woman goes though it !.!.!.so welcome to womanhood!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you cant get blood out of clothing!.!.!. your mother is a woman also andknows what you are going through!. she is a person that you should feel good/comfortable asking questions and talking about things with her!.!.!. she wont make fun of you and will give you tampons,pads,etc!.!.!. and wont get mad at yu and understand you are pmsingWww@Answer-Health@Com

looks like you have a case of PMS!.

Take advil or ibuproferan!.!.they help!.

I would tell your mom if I were you!. I dont get how she hasnt found out since youve had it for a year now!.

Tell her, she will help you, and she will understand your mood swings!. Theres nothing to be afraid of!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ok you HAVE to tell your mom!.
just for health reasons!.
get bigger tampons,
wear tampons and a pad or panty liner at the same time!.

soak your jeans in some water and soap
try some shout or spray and wash
then wash them

GOOD LUCK!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should tell your mom!. Your just experiencing PMS (pre-menstural symptom) !. Your mom wants to know!. All moms want to know!.

for your pants :
put stain remover on them like spray and wash - and wash them w/ soap in COLD waterWww@Answer-Health@Com

well you should always tell your mom but if you feel uncomfortable with telling her you should wait on telling her!. but if you tell her she could help alot and she might even no how to get blood stains out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey im in the situation almost if u want to talk im me on aim at beachqt2014 or yahoo at afloridagirlforever i also have a myspace my name is alexis tribby it hcocutebabe (thts my myspace)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Periods are your body's natural way of getting rid of an unfertilized egg in the womb!. Its totally normal to feel down; I get it too when it's my time of the month!. It makes you feel yucky, I know, but I always try doing something that either takes my mind off being sad, or I do something that will make me happy!.

About the birth control pills: I don't think that you should let your period get in the way of anything you want to do, but it's a shame you feel so negative about your period that you want to eliminate it!. What if you want to have children and it makes you infertile or something!?

And also, tampons aren't for everyone!. They hurt me so that's even worse!. Don't force yourself into using them, and stick to pads!. I think that you should tell your mum about all this, then maybe she won't get as mad at you!. I'm sure she had the same feelings when she was younger!.

Finally, to get bloodstains out of pants: soak the stain in cold water to loosen the stain (if the stain is old or dry, use some dishwasher detergent in the water)!. If this doesn't work, add a cup of salt to cold water and soak for up to 30 mins, then take a normal, mild soap bar and rub it on any remaining stains and rinse!.

Hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

to get blood or any stain out of clothing i run cold water over the area but you have to do it right away!. it won't get it all out, but it really fades the stain!.!.!.!.use oxyclean stain remover! get some ibuprofen or midol hun! don't be embarassed about your mom knowing because every woman experiences this!. It's just the cycle of life!. I would not suggest taking any pills to STOP the period!.!.!.it's all birth control and i don't think you want kids now, but i've heard so many stories where it messes up their cycle for up to several years after getting off of those pills for when they do plan to have children!. it's just better to take a pain medication!. midol has a few different kinds of pills to help with moods and stuff i think!. I hope I helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could buy a larger tampon and use a panty liner at the same time, or use the pads with the wings so they flap over your nickers and wont get any on it!.
as for the jeans, i dont know!. warm soapy water!? or wash them in the washing machine!.
tell your mum, she'l understand!. i was really scared about telling my mum!.
what i did was ring her when she was at the supermarket and ask her to buy me some pads!.

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