Ladies: What's your opinion on the Depo-Provera jab?!

Question: Ladies: What's your opinion on the Depo-Provera jab!?
I was on the depo injection for about 5 years, my periods stopped completely as did my PMS which was a good thing!. The downside was that it did reduce my libido and even after stopping it, it took a while to return to normal on that front!. I had a coil fitted 2 years ago mine has a small amount of hormone in it so still no periods but I do get painful cramps every couple of months for a day or two and very sore breasts once a month!. The PMS is still at bay in comparison to how I was before depo and coil but am slightly more 'vulnerable' every couple of months in line with the painful boobs and cramps!. My personal experience is that the depo worked well for me overall and is proven to be more reliable than my current choice of the coil!. Hope this helps :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you can tolerate it then great!. It has helped my friend who was bleeding everyday for months before trying depo!. However, she had no idea she was pregnant due to it stopping her periods, which was tricky!

I am also not ok with methods that are not easily or quickly reversible, but if you have tried everything else then it is sometimes worth taking the chance!. It is apparently better for women who have higher levels of oestrogen!.

The IUD is not a barrier method like condoms!. It causes the womb lining to be toxic to sperm therefore none make it to the egg!. It is a very reliable method and fertility is not affected long term!. Unless it it the Mirena coi, which contains progesterone to stop periods or make them lighter!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey there,

I am strongly opposed to any form of contraception which is not reversible!. E!.g, if you have the depo shot, it WILL stay in your system for a month or longer, and you may find you have bad side effects because of it!.

I always say that it's better to use something that you can stop quickly, such as the contraceptive patch or pill!. Or even the contraceptive implant, which stops being effective as soon as it is removed!

Also, if you've had a child and feel you want no more for a while, you could try using a non hormonal method of contraception such as the IUD (coil)!.
This is a barrier method, and it acts as a barrier between the sperm and the opening to the cervix, to stop the sperm passing through!. This has to be fitted by a qualified doctor or nurse inside the vagina!.
This lasts for years, and wont cause you hormonal problems because there are no hormones involved :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to use depo because I got quite bad pms!. It was great for that!. It evened me out and I wasn't getting so moody and irritable!. I think my periods pretty much stopped while I was on it too!.
It also decreased my sex drive, although as I was mostly single while on it, I didn't really notice until I stopped having the shot!.
Once I stopped though, I felt like I'd woken up! It was almost as if I'd been walkin around asleep, not really feeling anything!. That's how it controlled the moodswings etc from pms!. I had no lows while on it but I also had no highs!.

Also, within a very short time of stopping, my sex drive came back with a vengeance and it was all I could do to stop myself grabbing the first man who walked past my front door and dragging him into the bedroom!!! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was on it about 16 years ago!. My periods stopped but I lost a lot of weight on it (which I couldn't afford to do) and my sex-drive decreased!. Everything went back to normal when i came off it!. I was only on it because I was having really painful, heavy periods!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i had to stop taking it because I bled for the 3 months inbetween the shot!. I started to think that was how it worked because you couldn't have sex to get pregnant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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