Are they pregnancy or pre-period symptoms?!

Question: Are they pregnancy or pre-period symptoms!?
Alright, I've never had that habit of keeping track of my periods!. But I think I'm going to start so I can further explain to a doctor what's going on if I can't figure things out for myself!. Here's what's been going on!. I've had sex, obviously!. There's a possibility of pregnancy!. I can't recall when my last period was, except that I believe it was between the 11th and 17th of last month, but I'm not positive on this!. I took a test on the 13th of this month, and it was negative!. I plan to take one here again soon, when I have the chance to be out at a store on my own!. Just to be sure!. But I want your opinions on the symptoms!. These are what I've had: feeling fevered all over even if I'm not or having a slight temp!. of around 99 or so, feeling slightly different like a bloated feeling - not quite, being tired/fatigued, eating a decent bit more than usual, being constipated (I know, gross), having heartburn, a little nausea, heightened smell, late period, and tender/swollen breasts!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this sounds EXACTLY like my pregnancy symptoms when i was!.
since you said your period was around the 11th to the 17th of last month, and you took the test on the 13th, it might've been a bit too early!. i recommend taking one again now!

congratulations if you wanted a baby!
if not, goodluck and please think hard for what you really want!

edit: it doesn't matter what time of day, if you have the hcg in your body it will be in your urine!. and some pregnancy tests are more sensitive to detecting that hormone!. so just buy something thats reliable and not too expensive!. i recommend something like clearblue!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

normally, when you make your test the day after your period should come, the result supposed to be accurate!. if it is hard to track it, watch your symptoms for a month!. If the test is still negative and the symptoms do not go away, ask a doctor!. You might be pregnant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

strange period I'd say they come every once a month !. You need to get a book and research it so that when the time comes you will know all the symptoms !. Best thing to do is get checked by a doctor for stds like hiv or herpes , just a precaution but if you are pregnant , congrats!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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