Too much gas.. embaressing?!

Question: Too much gas!.!. embaressing!?
My whole life I have been known for always passing gas!. I'm only 18 but I'm grown up now and now its not so funny!. I always always always can pass gas and most times if I don't my stomach kills me and makes noises and gurgles til I let it all out!. I've tried gas-x another one that starts with a p thats like purplish red color, beano !.!.!. and so many more!.!. nothing eliminates it, what can I do, I hate it!.!.!. especially when I'm alone with a guy and I get the senstation, or even with my friends!. what can i do !?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know how you feel!. Ahh and even the stomach noises/gurgles are embarassing eh!

I noticed one answer said IBS!. It's definitly NOT anything hugely problematic like IBS or Chrone's unless you are experiencing diareah or constipation also!. Go to your doctor!. My guess is that its inflamation in your stomach!. In which case the prescription Pariet may help!. I've had stomcah problems for years and years now and have read up and talked to so many people with problems along the same lines!. If you read up you'll learn the difference symptoms of problems like this!. But like I said, sounds like inflammation in your stomach!.

Until you can get to the doctor try and keep track of what foods cause you to be more gassy and avoid them as much as you can!. And really my only suggestion for when your with friends or a guy is find a spot to go release the gas!. Lol yes sounds odd but I get the pains too if I try and hold it in!. Places you can go to do this would be like the bathroom, or your car or even just a different room from the people you're hanging out with at the time!.

Best of luck! E-mail me from my profile page if you want to talk more!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would definitely talk to your doctor about it especially because the over the counter medications don't seem to be helping!. It may be something more serious than just gas, it may be some gastrointestinal problem that needs more medical attention!. Or, it may have something to do with the types of foods you eat or any allergies you may have!. Are you lactose intolerant!? That could cause excess gas!. Definitely speak with you doctor about it to see what he/she has to say about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you may have irritable bowel syndrome, its a disorder!. Maybe its certain things that you choose to eat or your diet!. Another thing, try to go to the bathroom more often!. Eat fruits and vegetables in order to have a healthy digestive system!. If you do this, you'll go to the toilet more often which leads to less of a chance of gas!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat with your mouth closed, it keeps the air out!. Another thing, make note of what you eat everyday!.!.!.and where the gas may stem from, might be just from food or drink!. Sip through a straw, should help too!. Crunches help move the bubbles around and push the excess air out!. Which way it goes you may not be able to control!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What foods do you mainly eat!? It could help you to go to the doctor or a nutritonist and talk about a diet that could help you!. You could suffer from flatulence, http://www!.virtualgastrocentre!.com/sympt!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go to the doc!. and see if he can give u some med!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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