Peeing more than usual?!

Question: Peeing more than usual!?
i just got of school last week (im 15) and ive noticed im peeing more than usual!. i used to pee once before school, once right after school, evening, and before bed, and sometimes wake up in the night!.

now ive noticed that im peeing several (like 4) times in the morning/afternoon, when i would usually be at school!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be couple of reasons!.!.!.do you drink a lot of coffeenated drinks like coffee , soda , tea!?Try to cut on those it acts like diuretics!.!.!.Do you take any meds which could cause it!? Also when you are pregnant you urinate friqently!.!.!.It also could be some kidneys problem!.!.!.or maybe it is hot right now and you simply drink more water!.!. normal urinary output of the adult should be about 1500 ml a day!.!.!.!.and it is usually somewhat near the input !.!.!.so basically output and input(ammount that you drink a day) should be equal!.!.!.hope everything is all right!!!

RN student!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are a couple of things that this could mean!. You might be hanging around the house more and therefore drinking more water or juice!. You could also just be peeing more because you have the opportunity to!. Also, I noticed that before and during my period, I need to pee more often, so it might be a sign that you are about to get yours!. I hope this helps you figure out this strange phenomenon!Www@Answer-Health@Com

im nt going to write u an essay, im going to state the possible reasons as to why u are peeing to much!.
it is most probably ur body is getting rid of more toxins in ur body due to eating/drinking something!.
if u are sexually active it could mean that u are preganent!.

u should tell ur parents/guardians about this as this could be a serious problem!.

sorry for all my spelling mistakes ( typing fast)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well by the sounds of it!.!. you are out of school and drinking more probably now that you aren't occupied in school!. When you were in school you urinated after and before school and frequently in the hours out of school!. I think you weren't hydating yourself while actually in school!. No worries!.!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

during school u most likely dont drink as much as u do when ur hanging out at home but also during the summer b/c of all the heat, your body dehydrates and uses more water or liquid quickerWww@Answer-Health@Com

You said you're 15!? It's probably your hormones!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe your drinking more than usual, otherwise go see a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

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