How is it posible that I'm on the pill and bleeding?!

Question: How is it posible that I'm on the pill and bleeding!?
Ok so I'm on birth control and I just got off the suger pills and am on the raglur pills now!. And the whole day I was not on my period, but me and my boyfriend had sex and I noticed right after I had some blood on me down there but none on my underwear!. So can some plz give me an answer of why this happened!? And am I going to be on my period again!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The pill does give you your period its just lighter and shorter!. Usually while on the sugar pills (i get mine within three days of taking them)
HOwever if you already had your period and you are bleeding after sex keep and eye on it and if it happens again see a doctor!. The pill reduces the lining of the vagina wall and sometimes after sex it can cause spotting!. Usually its nothing but if it continues then see your docWww@Answer-Health@Com

a similar thing happened to me!.
i was only a month into my pills, and I was starting the second month!. there is a change of hormone levels when you go from the 4th week's pills (the row with the 4 placebo pills)!.
the hormone change may cause some spotting!. if the blood was dark red maybe even brown in color then its normal!.
and if you are new to the pill, your period will not be regular for a few months, so you may not get your period during the 4 "sugar pills" you may get it during the 3rd week or the "ovulation week"!.

but there should be nothing to worry about, on your pill package mark down the day you spotted, keep track of it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah, hon, just because you are on the pill doesn't mean that you aren't going to have no bleeding at all!.
It may be decreased, but there really is no guarantee that there will be absolutely no bleeding!.
Also, how long was it that you last had sex!? Because maybe if you haven't had it for a while, then you just kind of had to re-adjust!.
Hope I helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when u take the pill it will give you "shorter to lighter periods" it never said no period at all!.!.!. so if you had no period at all when on the sugar pills you may have a problemWww@Answer-Health@Com

Of course Daaaaaaani there IS no ovulation week when you're on the pill!.!.!.!.that is the whole point of taking them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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