Oral sex....&... herpes?!

Question: Oral sex!.!.!.!.&!.!.!. herpes!?
My g/f has cold sores or so called herpes!. It comes out every once in a while but I m afraid that when she performs oral sex on me I would get it on my penis even if she does not have any signs of breakouts and then I m screwed for ever!. Is that something possible and I m already infected!?!?
If so, if I ever go down on a woman I could infect her too!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I actually caught herpes this way - when my boyfriend didn't have a cold sore, and it is incredibly common these days!.

Do you also get cold sores, i!.e!. do you have oral herpes yourself!?

If you do, your chances of getting genital herpes from your girlfriend giving you oral sex are very low- you will already have antibodies to hsv-1 which should prevent you from getting it in a second place on your body!.

If you don't have a history of oral herpes, then unfortunately yes, you could easily catch genital herpes if she gives you oral sex - even when she does not have a cold sore!. It happened to both me and my sister, my sister about four months into a new relationship, and I with my boyfriend of seven years!. However, he hardly ever gave me oral sex because we knew htere was a risk, so I probably caught it about the fifth or sixth time he ever went down on me - and he had absolutely no symptoms!.

If you have never had cold sores yourself, there is a good risk, unfortunately!. Someone with oral herpes like your girlfriend is infectious about 10% of the time when they DON'T have a cold sore - when they have no symptoms at all!. And 73% of genital herpes infections among young people are now caused by the oral herpes virus hsv-1, which is usually transferred to the genitals during oral sex!.

So you might want ot consider using a condom when she gives you oral sex - or just take the risk, as I chose to!.

If you caught her oral herpes on your mouth through kissing, then you could transfer it to someone else through kissing them or giving them oral sex, but not through intercourse!. If you caught it on the genitals through her giving you oral sex, then you could only transmit it through intercourse, not through contact with your mouth!. Herpes is only infectious from the area where it is originally caught, whether that be the mouth or the genitals!.

It is unlikely that your girlfriend has already infected you - a priamry infection with hsv-1 usually has pretty noticeable symptoms - but it is possible that you already have oral herpes, and, like most people, have had it since you were a child - most people have no symptoms by the time they reach adulthood!. If this is the case, then yes you could infect someone else!. There is a blood test you can take to see if you have it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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