Ladies, is giving birth really that painful?!

Question: Ladies, is giving birth really that painful!?
and can i ask for pain killers when the time comes to deliver!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

natural is the best way i had nothing with my baby and felt incontroll but if you really cant handle pain dont have a c section because then you'll have pain for days after labour is pain for a few hours then goes away and you forget !.maybee u would be better off having an epidural that numbs the area from under your bust down to your legs!.

this is a gr8 site
hope i helped good luck with future!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Every one has a different pain tolerance level, I would discuss all the options available to you with your obgyn and see which one comes closest to what you would like to have happen!. The body won't recall pain from delivery the same way you can think about stubbing your toe last week and remember physically how much it hurt!. Having a couple of options like the epidural block and something to take the edge off the pain in an iv drip, is often suggested for first time moms, you can always change your mind when you check into the hospital!.
Congrats and good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Imagine period pains 50 times worse then what you get them now!. that is what the contractions will be like!. When pushing the baby out you will feel pain, i am not going to deny that!. But the minute that baby is in your arms, every bit of pain you have felt will be gone there and then!.
There are lots of pain relief you can have and gas and air is very good aswell as the others!. I suggest that you dont start worrying about it as when you are stressed out and the time comes, you wont be able to control your breathing and then thats when the pain really hurts!. Stay calm and relaxed and then it will be over in no time and then you can hold your little bundle with joy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is so painful especially when your first time!.!.but on the second time, you might feel more relax!.!.your emotional and physical pain will help increasing of the opening of servix (hormonal reaction)!.!.

to make it easier while giving birth, you can't scream too much as you will waste so much energy and later you don't have enough energy to deliver your baby!.!.!.but actually, who don't scream while giving birth!?

one's can use painkiller to reduce the painful!.!.but it's better don't because actually our own body system can take it!.!.!.we don't need any chemical to help us!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it is painful

if you speak to your midwife she will go through your options and what pain relief is available to you

that will take the edge off the pain which some woman prefer

but look around - the world is full of babies

it is painful but it is a managable pain and you forget it or else we would have a world full of families with only one child:-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

EXTREMELY painful, however I have had 5 children ALL NATURAL w/o drugs, so the pain can be managed with breathing techniques and relaxation techniques!.!.!.!.but once the little one is in your arms, the pain is completely forgotten ~that is, until the labor pains of the next child, then you remember, and which by then, is too late to turn back lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

You can ask for painkillers but only before the time your giving birth because some mothers ask for a natural birth without painkillers etc, but if you put on the aplication they hand out i want painkillers they can give them to you, and yes!.!. does hurt quite a bit!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Extremley painful Its like someone ripping yr insides out with razor blades!. Its worth it though!. U can ask for painkillers, gas and air, pethidine or the epidural!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes and yes! But you forget about it as soon as its over!. I had my first (bad birth) and had to have lots of pain relief but on my second I had nothing and he was nearly 9lb!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, it feels like someone is tickling you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No it feels peachyWww@Answer-Health@Com

dont know dont plan toWww@Answer-Health@Com


thsi si really reasureing considering im due in decembre:)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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