What is the reason for never experiencing an orgasm?!

Question: What is the reason for never experiencing an orgasm!?
Only about a third of women can orgasm through intercourse alone!. If you know your body well enough and can orgasm through clitoral stimulation, try that!. Otherwise, change positions to allow for different areas of stimulation and explore with yourself until you find the right spot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

firstly, how old are you!? if you're 14 and just now getting acquainted with your body, keep in mind that it's still changing, and that you probably just haven't had much experience knowing how to stimulate your lower regions!. when i was young, i read online that girls often pleasure themselves using their fingers!. i tried this and it just felt weird at first!. it took repeated tries before i could get anywhere near feeling good!. a lot about sex is about geography: what regions have the most nerve endings and is the most sensitive!? don't be embarrassed to shine a mirror down there to find the exact location of your clitoris - it's kinda hidden!. try also to start out more softly and slowly!. if you've ever read men's magazines that try to teach fingering or cunnilingus, they usually advise gentleness over roughness and speed!. if you're older, then that raises some questions: have you every experimented sexually!? are you married!? have you had intercourse or tried masturbation before (orgasms don't just fall out of the sky)!. you can try speaking with a gynocologist, since there are a small percentage of women who are physically incapable of having an orgasm!. hope this helped, and best of luck to you :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Alot of women arent able to experience one until their late 20's!. I just met the first guy that can give me an orgasm but its only from behind or on the edge of the bed or something where he can get really really deep inside of me!. Try using the water faucet in your bathtub!. Scoot up and put your clit under the running water, you should have one for sure then!. Try using lotions and things that stimulate your clit during intercourse!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe you're not doing the right stuff to get you stimulated correctly!?

try different positions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

how many times have you tried!? how old are you!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

you must not know your body well enoughWww@Answer-Health@Com

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