Does anyone else puke when they get migranes?!

Question: Does anyone else puke when they get migranes!?
It happens every time I get one, I don't really understand why having a severe headache makes you blow chunks!. I know other women who throw up when they get migranes but I was wondering if anyone else gets them too and what they do about it!? Tried Maylox!.!.!.didn't last long in my stomach!. I think I lost my immetrex when I threw up, too!. So, anyone else have this problem!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am on Topamax 200mg daily for migraine prevention!. I take Axert when I do get on!. Before these medication I was nauseated so bad that I would change my plan from what I was doing to staying in bed with a pail by it!. If you get frequent migraines a trip to the doctor is in order!. It has help me get on with life!. I dont plan my life around wondering if I am going to get another one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's happened to me, along with temporary numbness on my face, loss of vision, and heightened sense of hearing!. Ask your doctor to give you phenergen (sp!?) along with your prescription!. You can get it in suppository form if you're comfortable with that, and it can't be wasted by vomiting!. It's a pretty quick acting anti-nausea medication!. It can cause a bit of drowsiness, though!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry, I know I'm not much help here since I rarely get them but my daughter's best friend gets them frequently and she throws up every time too!. Just wanted to let you know that yes, it's very normal to vomit with a migraine!.

Hope you find a solution soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Actually most people who suffer with migraines also vomit with them!. It is a normal side effect!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i know i doWww@Answer-Health@Com


i rarely oue havent since i was about 5Www@Answer-Health@Com

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