How do I keep my Ph balanced?!

Question: How do I keep my Ph balanced!?
My vagina smells like fish and I have a cottage cheese discharge!. I already went to the doctor and she diagnosed me with no infection!. She told me that my Ph is unbalance!. But she never really told me how to keep it balance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Even if the tests showed up negative the Dr!. should have given you something!. It may have been too early or too low for it to show up!. (that has happened to me twice but my Dr!. still gave it for those reasons)
But yes sounds like a definite bacterial vaginosis & that may have lead to a slight yeast!. Or vice versa!.
To keep it from happening again, dont douche, make sure anything in or near is clean, eat healthy, keep clean of course, towel off after shower, dont wear wet clothing for too long, and you can try acidophilus pills (they should be refridgrated) &/or rephresh from the store!.
My research showed Rephresh(to keep balanced) is worth a try but try to make it back to the Dr!.(or clinic works too) soon to clear infection & you can of course get the yeast cream from the store but you might want to clear the Bv first or both at the same time since antibiotics for the BV sometimes can cause the yeast to act back up!. I know its bothersome so good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The discharge that is like cottage cheese is an indication that a yeast infection is probably going on although she couldn't find an infection but that is just an example only!.

The fishy smell can be an indication of an infection called bacterial vaginosis (an example only as well)!.

To try and help with the PH you can try something like acidophillous which is a probiotic (a good bacteria) to see if that helps but I would recommend getting another opinion preferably from someone that does not share the same office of the doctor you currently go to for care to see what they say!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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