If a small amount of sprem touches vigina can you get pregnat?!

Question: If a small amount of sprem touches vigina can you get pregnat!?
I have a question, I had sex and I pulled out I wore a condom but i took it off to *** on her, and we are scared that some semon, very lil might have got on her vigina or in the vulva area!. Is there a possibility she could get pregnet from that!?! It was the day after ger period also!. Her period is late but she is also stressed out about some things!. Help!! Please!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Under your circumstances, no, she is not going to get pregnant, however, if sperm contacts the outside of the vagina/vulva, it is possible (though a small chance) that sperm can survive long enough to fertilize!.

The reason why it's not likely for your situation is because you had sex the day after her period!. The first portion of the menstrual cycle is when the ovum leaves the ovaries and travels from the peritoneal cavity through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus!. The first few days of this part, the position of the ovum is too far up the tubes for sperm to survive, but if you were to do the same thing a few days later, it would be far greater likelihood of pregnancy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is possible!. It only takes one sperm cell to make her pregnant, and there are millions of those puppies when you ejaculate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I doubt she could get pregnant because if it never entered her vagina then it might of died!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Under your circumstances explained the chances of getting pregnancy may be taken as almost NIL!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, I'd learn how to spell before having sex, but that's just me!. In any case, yes, she can get pregnant because all it takes is one sperm to fertilize her ovum!. I have trouble understanding your last few sentences, but either way, there is a possibility of pregnancy!. I suggest a home pregnancy test roughly one/two weeks after sex/conception!. Missed periods are usually the first signs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sperm has to be inside the vagina in order to complete its process!. so, you are in the clear!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its a 50/50 thing so just wait a bit and have her take a test ok oh and about the spelling yeah u misspelled some words but any idiot can easily read and understand what u meant so dont mind the guy aboveWww@Answer-Health@Com

if it happened a day after her period then its impossible cos she wouldnt be ovulating then,even if the sperm goes in, there wont be any ovum to fertilize so it just dies, relax, ur safe!.!.!. ovulation occurs like 14 or 16 days from her period,thats when the ovums are released and if a sperm comes in at that time, fertilization takes place and thats pregnancyWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes it is possibe but very unlikely that she is since it was just a day after her period!. most women dont start ovulation until 12 to 16 days after the first day of her period which wouldn't have been the next day after hers stopped or while shes still on!. So dont worry :-)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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