I have been bleeding for a more than a month. I don't know what to do?!

Question: I have been bleeding for a more than a month!. I don't know what to do!?
My period started in sixth grade!. But it was never regular!. Sometimes I would get every 3 to 4 months!. It has been like that till last year!. But this year I have been bleeding almost every month and it doesn't stop!. in b/w the flow increases and decreases!. there are couple of days when i have nothing on the pad!. I still wore them b/c I wasn't sure if it was going to come back!. I have had to wear pads for almost from january to present!. I don't have any insurance to go the doctor!. I didn't have sex these months!. I am 22!. Is it stress related!? possibly a cyst or cancer!? I used to smoke and i gave up in the beginning of the year!. drank two times!. but i started working out 3 weeks ago, could that trigger this behavior!? Or is this food related!? meaning the kind of food i eat are different from day to today!. from greasy to healthy!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

it could be a serious problem!. i had a cyst on my ovarie!.!. but i didnt have extreme bleeding!. i had internal bleeding!. you could have a serious problem!. i trip to the doctor would be really pricey!.!.but its a matter of health and you should really get it checked out!.
it might also be a change in your diet!. as well has your work out schedual!. but usually when you start working out your period has the opposite effect!. are u on the pill!? maybe that could be messing with your hormones!?!.!. theres a lot of possibilites!.!.
maybe planned parenthood can help!?
call them and see if they can do anything for you!. you can find thier number on thier website!. www!.plannedparenthood!.org
i belive thier services are free!. not sure tho!.
good luck!
hope it gets better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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