Period question (Girls only, preferably.)?!

Question: Period question (Girls only, preferably!.)!?
Okay, I got my first period November 25th, didn't get one in December, then got one on January 11th!. I haven't got one since then, but I've been getting brown discharge like everyday!. =S Is something wrong with me!? Please help!. Thanks!. :]Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have'nt had sex your obviousley not pregnant so no need to wory about that!. But it sounds pretty normal, it can happen like that for a while before a normal menstral cycle starts, theres no need to worry, You've started your period because you're becoming a woman and your hormones are changing, it will take a little while for your body to adjust to this change so just be patient!. But if you do have any concerns just go to your mom and ask her, or a doctor!. If your not comfortable asking your mom, you ask a school nurse if your school has one!. I'm sure if you have any questions one of them could explain everything to you!. You'll be fine just don't worry, it'll stress you out for no reason at all!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is normal!. sometimes, the first years of a girl's periods are very unstable and bizarre!. if u are worried, ask ur mom or a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

you are fine hun!. in a couple more months you'll create a normal cycle!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when you first get you period you body goes a lil!. wack because of all the hormonal change don't worry you will be okay!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

From what I remember, it took a while for my body to hit a rhythm when I first started getting my period!. So this could be normal for your body, but it may also be related to your lifestyle and/or eating habits!. For girls who are very thin or very active in athletics, irregular periods are not uncommon!. It can also be caused by a recent change in birth control methods, such as switching types of pills or switching from a pill to a patch!. If it continues or you are concerned, I'd check with your doctor!. Starting your period is a good time to start getting annual physicals if you're not already doing so!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well it usually takes a while to regulate,
i would know because i got my first period in year 7!.
it lasted the normal amount of time,
but after that i didnt get it for another 8 months! (i was still a virgin at the time)
then it came, and then it stopped for a couple of months, before becoming regular (monthly)
so dont worry, your fine, it just needs to regulate itself!
oh n discharge is normal, its just ur vaginas way of cleaning itself,
u should be fine, a little discharge is normal,
although if it turns an off white and starts to smell u need to wash more often!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's perfertly fine to get your period unpredictably when you first begin getting it!. Don't panic it will regulate soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

AAHHEM!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.YOUR PREGNANT =D !.!.!.!.CONGRATS !.!.!.I THINK =/Www@Answer-Health@Com

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