Is it sexist for a woman to think?!

Question: that since a guy is not a Dr. there is no way he can know anything about how a period happens or how the pill works? while at the same time thinking that any woman what-so-ever must obviously know a great deal about them?

Don't get me wrong I am sure there are many men who don't know anything about it. But I am also sure there are many others who know a decent amount about them while not being Doctors.;...

Answers: that since a guy is not a Dr. there is no way he can know anything about how a period happens or how the pill works? while at the same time thinking that any woman what-so-ever must obviously know a great deal about them?

Don't get me wrong I am sure there are many men who don't know anything about it. But I am also sure there are many others who know a decent amount about them while not being Doctors.;...

Yeah. But hey, I think that a guy should know about how it works. That way, we don't have to hear the same lame questions over and over again.

Such as:

"Is it effective? are you sure? did you take your pill today? You forgot, does that mean you'll get pregnant? Are you sure these things work?"


yes, i agree (not with the woman)
that many men would know about that
without having to be doctors!

my 14 year old friends (guys) know plenty (and i mean PLENTY) about it

i dont know that its "sexy" lol but i love that my boyfriend know how it all works and is not embaressed to talk about it or anything it make me way more comforitble wen im on to know that he knows wats going on with my body i hope that answered ur question ;o)

I don't understand the question?????

haha not all women know about periods. sometimes men know more.

guys know there share too.

of course they understand periods/birth control. i mean, not all guys understand. . . just as not all women understand. why wouldn't they understand?

It's been my experience that many women know a lot about men's health and many men know a lot about women's health.

It's also been my experience that some women don't know jack about women's health and some men don't know jack about men's health. However, if you happen to be wrong about an opposiste sex health issue, it does tend to enrage the person with the issue. One time my fiance told me that the pill does not make you stop ovulating, after I mentioned that I no longer ovulated, due to being on the pill. It made me irate that he thought he knew more about the pill I was taking than me! How stupid would I have to be to know less about a medication I take than someone who doesn't use it??? (Then I found out a female friend on the pill told him that, and let it slide because she was evidently the idiot.)

i was surprised when i started going out with my current boyfriend because he knows so much about the women body and how the period works and such. he is not a Dr. and he still inquires to learn more.

it's not that i don't believe male doctors can know everything about a woman's body. of course they can - they spend years studying and practicing, so yes, i believe male gynecologists and obstetricians know their practice in and out. however, i prefer a female gynecologist; no matter how much a man studies about periods and birth control pills, he will never experience those things himself. he will never have a period, he will never give birth. i feel more comfortable with a female doctor who can empathize and understand what PMS feels like, how painful an ovarian cyst is, etc. it's not sexist, to me. i'm sure a male doctor would be just as good as a female one, but i personally feel more comfortable with a female doctor.

It depends on the woman(whether or not she is approaching the issue in a sexist manner) and the man(whether or not he has actual knowledge of those subjects).

See, I must confess a great deal of ignorance when it comes to these matters; generally speaking, the only interest I've had in a woman's period was if it was:

a- Going to cause her to be in a bad mood, and would I have to pay the consequences.


b- Would her period interfere with our sex life.

Other than that, I never really cared to know too much about things; the same goes for birth control--as long as I knew she was on the pill, that was all I needed, or cared, to know. In my case, then, a woman would not be sexist in assuming my ignorance.

It's good that you have learned about these things, because it gives you an edge in dealing with women, and with their health issues.

I appreciate that you know how the female reproductive system works. It's not rocket science. But if you are saying you know how it feels to menstruate and cramp and bloat and PMS, well, fella, my hat's off to you.

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