I'm 14 and...?!

Question: I'm gonna be 15 in july and i still haven't started my period. Am I okay??

Answers: I'm gonna be 15 in july and i still haven't started my period. Am I okay??

Yes. My sister got her's when she was 17. We all grow up at our owm pace here. Plus, your lucky.

you're fine haha you're just a late bloomer

some people dont get their periods till tey're 16 so ur okay =)

Yeah, you are supposed to see the doctor if you haven't gotten it by 18. You've got a while to go. Don't worry about it, you are fine!

Ah yes, very normal, and very privileged ^_^.
You'll receive it soon. About a year or so before it, you will get a lot of discharge [Clear mucus-like substance] in your underwear.

You're lucky. :)
But, you're perfectly fine, it's normal. If you don't get yours by the time your 16, you may want to bring it up to your doctor, but even then, it's not something to be concerned about.

Your fine and lucky! I'm 14 and I'll be 15 in October. Imagine being 11 and seeing blood coming out everywhere and having no clue just what the hell was going on! That was me a few years back. Hehehe, it hurts!

Get a

Heating pad
Some tea
Breathe in and out
Think happy thoughts
go on Yahoo

It HURTS bad, but it goes away. ALl apart of growing up!

Go see your doc first thing 2moz!!! This does happen but things get real bad when it does!! There's obviously a reason for this! Do you put things in you you shouldn't!!

I was the same as you, and started menstruating when I was almost 15. I wouldn't worry about it as such, but if you like you can always get your Mum to bring you to a doctor to get you checked out. Everyone starts when they're ready.

Definatley! Everyone starts at different times and many girls are late bloomers. Even though it seems suckish now and you may feel left out, you are lucky! You don't have to deal with all that fun stuff yet!
There are many other girls your age who still have not started trust me. Your time will come soon enough!

In the futture if you still feel worrysome try talking to a woman you trust like mom or mabye even your doctor.

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