MRKH???/infertiltiy//10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?!

Question: Is there any girls out there who have MRKH or any type of infertiliy?. how do you deal with the depression. do your friends know??. how do you cope. It really has been effecting my life!! any advice ???????????????????/

Answers: Is there any girls out there who have MRKH or any type of infertiliy?. how do you deal with the depression. do your friends know??. how do you cope. It really has been effecting my life!! any advice ???????????????????/

i found out i have mrkh about 3-4 months ago. it was wierd i kind of had a feeling it wouldnt go well when i went to the doctors. but that didnt stop it being crushing.
however im not depressed and i try to be quite level headed about it. rather than seeing it as a syndrome i try to look at it like if one of my kidneys didnt develop like my cousin. except obviously we wont be able to have children.
right now i dont think about that i dont see the point in getting upset about at the moment and maybe when im older il find it harder, but i know there is surrogacy but i do also know thats rare and then of course adoption, theres 1000s of kids who need parents.
as for my friends none of them know. i guess they assumed i started my period si i went along with it and when i didnt i thought it would be too wierd for them to hanle at the moment. il tell my best friends when i go to uni maybe and only people who i know il stay in touch with. right now theres no need for them to know it would make it awkward i think, because girls always talk about periods and the other day my friend said 'i cant wait to be pregnant' i was just like uuuuh.... was a bit wierd for me. do your friends know?
as for depression i havent suffered i try to look on the positive, a girl in my year had cancer and one has ME and i consider myself in a better position than them. but i know othe people cope differently.
try talking to somebody, have you been for an appointment? when i went i met with a lady whos like a psychologist, she was so nice and made it clear i could speak to her anytime and my doctor was also so nice.
i find it ok not talking about, but i usually am very reserved especially as i know noone else who has it. sorry long answer probably no help , but yeah try talking about it or write a diary you can email me if you like just ask.
take care.

just know that you did nothing. its not your fault. but if you are wanting to have children, adopting is always a good option. you could be the one to change a childs life. a child whose parents gave up on them. you could be the one to give them what they need. and the one to save them from lonliness.

i have had depression for 3 years now since i was about's hard cuz sumtimes i get so sad and's hard to explain to other ppl...i take this pill called work really good...but i still get sad and down's so hard to explain to all my friends..but if their true friends they'll understand most of mine did...they still like me..but i h8 it when i get so sad and start crying and i freak out...sumtimes and think about killing myself...but i calm myself down and relize i like living and i'll be fine...i h8 depression..but i have to live with it..i kno how u feel....hope this helped

Me and my husband were married 7 years and went through 3 miscarriages before finally having a baby. I was very depressed and some people were sympathetic and some were just plan ignorant and had no understanding about what I was going through. I got to the point where it was so bad that I couldn't stand seeing other women pregnant or even look at them if they had a baby. I just wanted to scream!!! I still have no bond with my niece and nephews because my sister-in-law would rub it in every time she got pregnant and I still hadn't. Then the night I had one of my miscarriages she told me, "I will probably have another baby before you have one." I could have smacked her! I hate her kids now and my skin peels when I know we have to spend family time with them for Birthdays or Holidays. We have been trying again for a year to have our second child and this time we have not told anyone. It was more depressing when everyone knew. Now I cry alone but I just have to worry about myself and not what other people think or say. If you want to talk more then feel free to email me. I have lots of stories!!!

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