Period Questions?!

Question: Okay How Many Regular Pads a day do you go through and do you get blood clots?

Answers: Okay How Many Regular Pads a day do you go through and do you get blood clots?

You should go through about 4 a day since you are suppose to change them about every 4 hours, and yes everyone gets clots its natural know worries!

I don't use pads. I use tampons. I use like 3 a day. I have very light periods.

Some heavy flows are normal. If you've been on birth control and now are not. Some medical conditions can cause heavy flows. (Fibroid Tumors) Your best bet is to evaluate how this one is compared to most of your other ones. If they are really heavy, park on the couch for a day or so or consider calling your Dr.

I go though about 6 always ultra thin with wings a day I have really heavy periods and I have blood clots also!

I don't get my period anymore because of the birth control I'm on, but when I did I got through about 6 Super tampons a day (I had a really heavy flow) and, yes I got clots too. Most women get them, They're completely normal, it's just your uterus lining.

Most people use 4 pads a day

About 3-5. And no blood clots so far!

I use like 4 pads a day and sometimes i do have blood clots.

I usually go through about 5 Always regular maxi pads a day during my heaviest days. I started this morning, actually, and I used probably around 6 pads, and I will change to a Kotex Overnight pad before I go to bed. I start getting clots during the 3rd or 4th day of my period after the initial heavy flow starts to taper off.

approximately one an hour or two while I'm awake so 12-15 pads the first 48 hours of my period since I have endometriosis.

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