(girls only i dont knwo if this shoudl go into the health section or relationshi!

Question: Ummm do girls start liking guys after they get ther period more or do they liek guys less, because i dont have my period yet and im 13 in middle school and yet i cant love any guys like how much all the other girls do! is that the reason???? mehh im just confused

Answers: Ummm do girls start liking guys after they get ther period more or do they liek guys less, because i dont have my period yet and im 13 in middle school and yet i cant love any guys like how much all the other girls do! is that the reason???? mehh im just confused

Welcome to your teenage years and I will tell you a secret...all 13 yr olds, girls and boys, feel confused and geekish. But it's like jail...you have to do your time...live and learn one day at a time. When your hormones kick in and you start your menses you may or may not feel different about boys. Some girls and women don't feel complete unless they have a boyfriend all their lives. I hope you are one of the self confident girls who don't need to grow up so fast...they take their time to get well educated so they can always take care of themselves if and when Prince Charming takes a hike. Did you know, the Jehovah's Witnesses do not allow their young people to date at all as teenagers...feeling that young people are too immature to choose a life-mate.

Aw don't worry about it. I'm not sure that your period has anything to do with it, but your still very younge. Teenagers, even if they're the same age, have very different levels of maturity and dependency.

Don't worry about the physical aspect of bf/gf relationship. You can be great friends with a guy, and it doesn't have to be sexual. Who knows, you could grow into it.

No. There is some research that when a woman ovulates, she gives off a phoneme that may attract a male. You'll eventually like boys when you're ready.

ha we love them more and then we hate them
periods are nothing to look forward too! enjoy not having it when you can!
we get really moody guys dont understand us its so blah
i hate it >.<

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