Are you suppose bleed from havin sex for the first time?!

Question: like when your hymen is penertrated is something suppose to come out as well

Answers: like when your hymen is penertrated is something suppose to come out as well

The bleeding comes from the tearing your hymen. Nothing else should "come out" of your vagina. If you continue to bleed after having sex several times, consult a doctor.

If you dont know anything about sexual intercourse maybe you arent ready to be havin it

I did, it's just first time trauma!

It may or may not happen. It depends on a lot of things. Some men expect it, but the hymen being intact isn't a good indicator of a girl's virginity. Relaxation and lubrication are other things that can contribute to whether or not a girl bleeds during sex.

some women bleed, some don't
and no nothing else comes out, thats when you have a baby...

some women bleed and some dont nothing is supposed to come out other than maybe a small amount of blood

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