Sore coccyx?!

Question: Hey
I was just wondering if anyone experienced a " sore bum" or anything like that whilst pregnant? I am 20 weeks pregnant and when I am sat down for long periods of time at work, it hurts when I stand up in my tail bone area. Just wondered if anyone else has the same symptons?

Answers: Hey
I was just wondering if anyone experienced a " sore bum" or anything like that whilst pregnant? I am 20 weeks pregnant and when I am sat down for long periods of time at work, it hurts when I stand up in my tail bone area. Just wondered if anyone else has the same symptons?

I have never been pregnant, but I have had a sore coccyx before. It eventually went away on its own (it took about 3 or 4 weeks), but I think it was caused by sitting for long periods of time in very uncomfortable chairs. I was in high school at the time and the school desk/chairs were very hard.

Since you spend a lot of time sitting everyday, make sure that you have a comfortable chair (upholstered/cushioned are best). Be aware of your posture. If you slouch when sitting it can put unnecessary pressure on your tail bone, and probably make your whole back sore. Take frequent breaks and just walk around a little. You might even try a little bit of stretching while at your desk.

There are several websites with exercises that you can do at your desk. However, since you are pregnant, you should ask your physician if there are any exercises that you should avoid.

Yes it happens ur tails get sore.. There are cushions made for this . A foam pad wth a hole in so no pressure on the coccyx

pregnancy can cause this as the expanding uterus can strain the coccyx.

This happens in pregnancy as your spine has to adjust to holding the extra weight of the baby. It helps if you get your partner to massage you and relax in a warm bath.

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