Do you lose your period when you have a IUD?!

Question: I've had a IUD in for a lil over a year now and I haven't had a period for about 2 months. I've taken numerous home pregnancy tests and they all come out negative. Is that normal? Or should I be running to the Dr.?

Answers: I've had a IUD in for a lil over a year now and I haven't had a period for about 2 months. I've taken numerous home pregnancy tests and they all come out negative. Is that normal? Or should I be running to the Dr.?

Dear Jen
I have the Mirena too, and my periods have all but stopped.. its great and i love it..... i do get about a drop of diluted blood every couple of months, and then every 6 - 8 months a mini type period, like a day or two, extremely light
the doctor told me some people lose them altogether, and some dont, its just how your body is

and i out on weight with it too,,,,, dont worry

good luck

I have the copper one (I think). Its the one that you have in for 10 years and has no hormones in it..and yes, I still have periods. It may depend on the type that you have, and if yours has hormones in it, that could be the reason you are not having them,so you may want to visit the Doctor and ask, it could be normal, but you never know. Better safe than sorry..Good luck :)

Also, every so often it will come a few weeks late or a tad early, I suppose its due to stress, or if I lose a little weight or gain a little weight, has any of this happened to you?...Just a thought

What kind do you have? If you have a Mirena, then that releases hormones and will stop your periods. If you have another kind, then you should go to your doctor and find out why.

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