Question: heyyy
i want to start using tampons soon but don`t know which one to use first.
which one do you recommend?

Answers: heyyy
i want to start using tampons soon but don`t know which one to use first.
which one do you recommend?

pearl, smaller and slimmer. My daughter too just started to use tampons and felt pearl more comfertable overall- playtex gentle glide swells in a cone shape and can cause discomfort for new tampon users

check out consumer reports--google it....

tampax slim fit..

pearls only spread one way, playtex is all around

both are good. Ones with cardboard applicators can be difficult at first. But they're cheaper, so use them once u get the hang of the ones with plastic applicators.

I personally recommend Tampax Pearl, but it depends on you. Test different brands and see which one you are comfortable with.

Tampax pearl. What ever you do don't buy the cheap cardboard kind that s*** hurts really bad.

You should check out natural ones. Unbleached ones are better for you, and many aren't companies made by men. The unbleached natural ones are more or completely biodegradable also. :)

I like the gentel glide better - seem to have less problems with them, but I wear pads too just in case since I wear white pants a lot it would make it really embarassing (I work at a hospital, so I could get scrubs to wear if I had to, but I haven't had that problem since I switched to gentle glide.

no real difference just get the right size for you and decide if you like scented or not or you could test them both. Try getting some free samples if you dont want to buy both.

I like the pearl. The aplicater is smooth so it slides in easier. I hate the cardboars ones. I recommend getting the small size and working your way up if you are not sure if they are right for you. Be careful and good luck.

Most tampons are treated with chemicals that have no place in a product to be used so
intimately by women. Tampax manufactures tampons from a blend of rayon/viscose and conventionally grown cotton. Approximately

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