Does this mean im healthy?!

Question: so im a recovering bulimic and havent had my perios for 7 months and im gaining very little wieght only now

and im having my period..
does this mean i am healthy or im just having a irregular period and im still not healthy.

Answers: so im a recovering bulimic and havent had my perios for 7 months and im gaining very little wieght only now

and im having my period..
does this mean i am healthy or im just having a irregular period and im still not healthy.


its a sign but it may be light because u just gained very super little amount of weight to have ur period but its a good sign keep it up..

we are rooting for you.!!!

its a sign, make sure you are getting professional help for your condition though.

that could be danger make sure you seek help from a doctor

yah u r healthy

It means you are slowly gaining enough weigh to get healthy again. Keep going as you are, time will tell.
Good luck, God bless. Kate. x

First of all, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!
Recovery from bulimia is worthy of a huge celebration! Good for you!
As for your period, definitely a good sign but stay on track with your eating. It can take awhile before all of your bodily functions and organs return to tip top shape. Try to eat the most nutritionally dense foods. Consider a consultation with a nutritionist for guidance.
Again, congrats! It took courage to kick bulimia!!!

you are healthy when your vitals are good your weight is at least 90% of your ideal, and you have no more medical problems. but yeah its a good start to get your period back... it means your body thinks it is capible of having a baby.

The stress that was put on your body is going to take time to repair. As long as you are fighting your illness, you will get healthy. Your hormones might be out of wack. Keep up the good fight and your body can repair itself. Get into a support group for eating disorders. You will be surprised at how many questions you'll get answered by people who are going through what you are. Good luck...You can do it!!

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