Iris color change surgery?!

Question: Iris color change surgery?
I was wondering what other eye color changing surgeries there are besides NewColorIris. My eyes are blue and violet naturally and I really want brown eyes. What are the names of other places that do the surgeries? It would really help if someone that has had one of these surgeries to answer. Thanks!! <3


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

There is no surgeries that can do that there was a Research called lumineyes, but that was scrapped.

Good luck

Eye care specialist.

I have never had any surgery of this sort, but I have worked in nursing for some time.

It's not really considered a good idea at all to have one of these eye color changing operations. That is why it is so incredibly rare to meet someone who has had one. The colored plate that is inserted into the eye will cover part of your iris, which means you will have trouble adjusting from a dark/light or light/dark situation. The infection rate from this type of surgery is also very high. If you have complications down the road and need to have the implants removed you will be once again be having a very risky and dangerous procedure with a massive infection risk.

Remember, if something were to go wrong, you CANNOT grow another set of eyes. If there is any damage, it will probably be permanent.

I'd really just consider colored contacts. Light colored eyes are much easier and believable to use a dark set of contacts with. You might complain about putting them in and taking them out, but it is considerably less risky.

There ARE no surgeries that can do that.

Even newcoloriris doesn't change your iris color, it just hides it with a colored disc , and they only change it to blue or green...and is a very dangerous operation.

9 out of 10 people who wear colored contacts are changing their eyes from brown to a color like you have....and you want the opposite...go figure.


lots of people would dream to have the colour of your eyes and u want to change it?!?! what a shame!!

also there are surgeries which do iris color change but its really dangerous and usually causes side effects blurriness and possibly blindness!

besides what they do is put ink kinda substance behind ur iris and its justa block of colour and looks so fake!! contact lenses work much better and u can change from any colour u want on different days occasions (halloween) its so versatile as well!

this surgery programme and color eye surgery came up and this women had to had the ink taken out from her eye now her eyes are blurry for life cuz it wasnt safe

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