FOR: Contact lense wearers: Last night accidently, I slept with my contacts in, !

Question: FOR: Contact lense wearers: Last night accidently, I slept with my contacts in, is this really bad ?
I slept with my contact lenses in accidently is this a serious problem or not? -have taken them out now and my eyes are fine -(just feel as if I have a headache)


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

It only becomes serious if you sleep with your contacts in your eyes often enough where they start to block enough oxygen from reaching your eyes to cause infection.. This could happen from sleeping with them two nights in a row or a few times a week, so just try not to do it. Since your eyes are fine, I wouldn't worry about. The headache may unrelated to sleeping with your contact lenses in your eyes.

It's bad to sleep in contacts because they block oxygen to the cornea and that means it causes hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and blood vessels to pop out. That leads to pain and sometimes to corneal neovascularisation (growth of vessels in the cornea) which cause other serious problems.

If you sleep occasionally with your contacts in it's fine. Especially if the brand you use is breathable enough with a high Dk. If you sleep all the time in contacts that'll be bad and it will lead to the problems above.

Since you just happened to forget about your contacts and it was just one time, it's totally fine. The most common side effect after a night in contacts is irritation, blurry vision and dryness. Sometimes corneal ulcers too.

You woke up with no terrible headache? You found both contacts and put them back in the solution? Your eyes aren't too red/irritated? You're just fine. Just make sure this doesn't happen very often, because then you'll have problems. :)

thats not bad but ur lenses can be lost and may be infection can affect ur eyes

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