Mysterious double vision?!

Question: Mysterious double vision?
I have been seeing double for the last 2 years and i went to the eye doctor twice and they didn't find anything. They even did the dilated eye test and still didn't find why i'm seeing double. It seems that i only see double in low lighted areas and also it can be more than double. What could possibly be causing this problem.?


Do you see double at all distances? Or only at near things? Or only at far things?

Do you still see double, even if you close one eye?

I need quite a bit more information from you to even begin to figure out what might be causing your double vision, and it is odd that you have been to the doctor twice and they still have not figured out your problem.

You might have a problem with your eyes working together as a team such as high exophoria or high esophoria, or maybe convergence insufficiency or divergence excess.

(Worst case scenario) You might have a tumor somewhere along the visual pathway in your brain that is causing the double vision.

You might have a scar or corneal condition that is refracting light in a strange way to cause double vision.

You might have an under- or over-acting extraocular muscle that is causing your eyes to not align together.

And I could keep on naming things that cause double vision. The list is quite extensive.

My advice would be to go see a different optometrist (NOT an ophthalmologist ... they'll do nothing for you if you are having an eye teaming problem. They only deal with health issues, mostly).

There's no reason you have to walk around in life seeing double. Someone certainly should be able to solve it.

The "dilated eye test" doesn't necessarily consider all the things that may cause double vision, although it certainly is an important thing to do in a complete eye exam to consider all possibilities.

I am an optometry intern.

Are you actually seing double, or just a ghost image like below? There is a huge difference.

When I went to the eye doctor he asked me the same thing. Ghosting can be the result of astigmatism.

Some patients describe blurriness as double vision.
To see double you must have two images separated by a distance. Do you have two images separated by distance?

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