Can i wear contact lenses to prevent strabismus?!

Question: Can i wear contact lenses to prevent strabismus?
Hello,I am wondering if i can wear contact lenses to prevent strabismus ??
I have it on my both eyes little bit but more on the right..I am wearing glasses now but they dont really help..I had operation 1 year ago to my eye muscles to reduce strabismus but i still got some..

Thank you.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Strabismus is a disorder that typically involves the eye muscles (although it can involve the brain not being able to coordinate the eyes correctly as well). Contacts work on the eye's lenses to bring images into focus on the retina, which has nothing to do with eye muscles. I had thought the only non-surgical tool they used to try and prevent strabismus was an eye patch--they try and make they weaker eye muscles stronger.

I had my first surgery when I was 3; I had my second at age 13. My doctor (I had the same doctor for both) told me it might never be fixed. I can't use the eye patch technique because I can't see out of one eye, but if you can, that's what I would recommend you try.

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