Can you get color contacts even if you don't need glasses?!

Question: Can you get color contacts even if you don't need glasses!?
yup :)

they're generally called non prescribed cosmetic contact lenses

some general fashion/accessory stores sell them, so you don't even need to see an optometrist

best not to go for the overly cheap ones though, because sometimes they could damage your eyes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you can, but it's best to get them through an optometrist!. You want to make sure you get the right size and material for your eyes, or the contacts may be irritating or even damaging!. The optometrist/optician will also teach you to care for them properly which is very important!. Unless you get daily disposable ones, you will need to wash them and keep them in a case with contact solution just like prescription contacts!. It may be more expensive and time-consuming than if you get them at a mall or other store, but you'll be keeping your eyes much safer and greatly reducing your chance of developing complications!. Hope you are able to get some and enjoy them!Www@Answer-Health@Com

you canWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes you can!. =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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